A Second Earth, Is It Possible

Posted By on August 1, 2019

This would be amazing, we will know more in 2021 when a pair of telescopes that are expected to begin operating in 2021 and 2025 should reveal whether the planet is rocky or has oceans.


Astronomers have discovered a ‘super-Earth’ just 31 light-years away. But, is it habitable or glacial?

N’dea Yancey-Bragg

A potentially habitable ‘super-Earth’ has been discovered just 31 light-years away from our solar system, astronomers announced Wednesday.

2nd Earth

The planet, named GJ 357 d, is about six times larger than Earth and orbits a dwarf sun GJ 357, much smaller than our own, every 55.7 days. The international team of astronomers that discovered the planet said in a news release that it could “provide Earth-like conditions.”

“With a thick atmosphere, the planet GJ 357 d could maintain liquid water on its surface like Earth, and we could pick out signs of life with telescopes that will soon be online,” Lisa Kaltenegger, the director of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell and associate professor in astronomy, said in a statement.

“If GJ 357 d were to show signs of life, it would be at the top of everyone’s travel list – and we could answer a 1,000-year-old question on whether we are alone in the cosmos.”

Without an atmosphere, the planet would have an equilibrium temperature of 64 degrees below zero, according to NASA, which would make it “more glacial than habitable.”

While using NASA’s planet-hunting Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in early 2019, Kaltenegger’s team first discovered another planet GJ 357 b, a “hot Earth,” orbiting the dwarf sun.

The satellite finds other worlds by monitoring the nearest and brightest stars for periodic dips in light. These dips, called transits, suggest a planet may be passing in front of its star.

Follow up observations from the ground lead to the discovery of two more planets orbiting the dwarf sun, including the super-Earth.

Two of the planets discovered are considered too hot to support life as we know it, but GJ 357 d is in the host star’s habitable zone meaning it’s not too hot or too cold.

Kaltenegger told NBC News that a pair of telescopes that are expected to begin operating in 2021 and 2025 should reveal whether the planet is rocky or has oceans.

“This is definitely going to be one of the best targets for these telescopes because it’s so close and so bright,” Kaltenegger told NBC News. “This means we can collect that light and analyze it further to see the chemical composition of the atmosphere, or if we see signs of liquid water or oxygen. The closer the better and the brighter the better, and this one happens to be both.”

The astronomers’ findings were published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Sources: USA Today, Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysics

Big Data Never Sleeps

Posted By on July 21, 2019

The Data Explosion, by Source

Today’s infographic comes to us from Domo, and it shows the amount of new data generated each minute through several different platforms and technologies.


Sources: ZeroHedge.com

Wealthy Millennials Are Now Moving To These States

Posted By on June 13, 2019

This makes sense, until a big earthquake hits the U.S. west coast.

According to a new SmartAsset study, wealthy millennials are moving to the coasts, but the Northeast isn’t one of them. We defined millennials as people under the age of 35 and looked specifically at millennials with adjusted gross incomes (AGI) of at least $100,000.

States People Moving To

To determine migration flows of wealthy millennials, SmartAsset examined data (IRS 2015 to 2016 tax year) from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. To calculate net inflow of each state, the study used inflow minus the outflow of wealthy millennials to find precisely which states wealthy millennials are moving to.

Seventy percent of the states in the top ten list of where wealthy millennials are moving to are located on the East and West Coast. With Texas on the Gulf Coast, and Colorado and Tennessee in the Heartland.

Sources: ZeroHedge.com

5G Cell Phones – Do We Really Need The Extra Radiation?

Posted By on May 5, 2019

Advancement in technology isn’t always for the better. It would appear that 5G radiofrequency has many health risks, along with other draw backs.

5G radiofrequency (RF) radiation uses a ‘cocktail’ of three types of radiation, ranging from relatively low-energy radio waves, microwave radiation with far more energy, and millimeter waves with vastly more energy (see below). The extremely high frequencies in 5G are where the biggest danger lies. While 4G frequencies go as high as 6 GHz, 5G exposes biological life to pulsed signals in the 30 GHz to 100 GHz range. The general public has never before been exposed to such high frequencies for long periods of time.


This is a big deal. It turns out that our eyes and our sweat ducts act as antennas for absorption of the higher-frequency 5G waves. And because the distances these high-energy waves can travel is relatively short, transmitters will be required closer to homes and schools than earlier wireless technologies: the build-out will add the equivalent of a cell tower every 2-10 houses.

The “medical people” have conducted over 2,000 international evidence-based studies that link health impacts with pulsed radiowave radiation from cell towers, routers, cell phones, tablets, and other wireless devices. These studies tell us that RF radiation is harmful at even low and short exposures, and that it impacts children and fetuses more rapidly than adults. Among the findings are that RF radiation is carcinogenic, causes DNA damage, affects fertility and the endocrine system, and has neurological impacts. Pulsed electromagnetic frequencies have also been shown to cause neurological symptoms: depression, anxiety, headaches, muscle pain, attention deficits, insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus, skin tingling, loss of appetite, and nausea.

The U.S. Government has known of these risks since at least 1971, when the Naval Medical Research and Development Command published a bibliography containing 3,700 references reporting 100 biological and clinical effects attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation.

Recent findings, such as the $30 million 2018 U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study, have corroborated the findings of all well-designed heart and brain cancer studies of people with 10 or more years’ exposure to cellular radiation from cell towers and cell phones. They all agree: RF radiation causes cancer.

Sources: Iishana Artra via Counterpunch.org, www.zerohedge.com

An Internet Minute In Action

Posted By on March 16, 2019


Degree’s That Earn You The Most, and Those That Don’t

Posted By on March 2, 2019

So, there you go, Degree’s for high earners and those for all the rest …

Degree MostDegree Least

Which Car Color Is Most Popular In Your State?

Posted By on February 21, 2019

Black was the top choice among CarMax buyers, with 22.25% of all sales. White was a close second, with 19.34% of sales. Gray (17.63%) and silver (14.64%) rounded out the top four most popular colors. The chart below shows the national best-selling vehicle colors at CarMax.

Car Colors

This is Probably Not How Miss Lube Rack of 1955 Wants to be Remembered …

Posted By on February 3, 2019

Subject: Miss Lube Rack of 1955………

Miss Lube Rack 1955

For what it’s worth…..sometimes your past can come back to haunt you!!

Who was MISS LUBE RACK OF 1955 ? 

Can You believe this?  Take note all you young people . . .
pictures, especially on the Internet, never go away.

Guess who was Miss Lube Rack of 1955 ?
I know, you have no idea! !    She could be a Movie star?
Recording artist?    Politician?

Her name is Nancy D’Alesandro.

Still stumped?

Nancy D’Alesandro is today known as  Nancy Pelosi, Congressional Speaker of the House  on Capital Hill, yes, also known as, drum roll, the former Miss Lube Rack 1955!

Guess Who is the Least Trusted Profession? Yep, We Think You Already Know …

Posted By on January 25, 2019

Some professions have a better reputation for honesty than others.


A Hacker-Proof Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Network

Posted By on January 17, 2019

This is impressive, innovative, and potentially dynamic advanced technology. We are thinking in terms of huge potential in a variety of industries. Is this the next great thing? Time will tell …

by Tyler Durden

New Yorkers traveling in the Holland Tunnel, a vehicular tunnel underneath the Hudson River connecting Lower Manhattan and New Jersey, are now discovering that the next generation of communication technology is being tested right outside their car windows, said Bloomberg.

Lining the 8,558 feet tunnel is a fiber-optic cable that harnesses the power of quantum mechanics to guard corporations and government against potential hackers or spies.

fiber pipe

A technology startup called Quantum Xchange said last Fall it signed a contract giving it exclusive access to 500 miles of fiber-optic cable running along the East Coast to build what it claims will be the nation’s first quantum key distribution (QKD) network. The first span of the system links New York City to New Jersey via the Holland Tunnel will allow financial institutions and government agencies to safely transport information between offices in Manhattan and data centers abroad.

Bloomberg said the QKD approach used by Quantum Xchange works by sending an encoded message in bits while the keys to decode it are sent in the form of quantum bits, or qubits. These packets are sent via photons, which travel through fiber-optic cables. The key to this technology is that any attempt to snoop on a qubit immediately destroys its fragile quantum state, wiping out all data it caries, which basically means this technology is unhackable at the moment.

“Financial firms see this as a differentiator,” says John Prisco, chief executive officer of Quantum Xchange. Prisco says several large financial institutions are testing his fiber pipes, but he declined to tell Bloomberg the names of them, citing nondisclosure agreements.

The Chinese government has already constructed a 1,200-mile QKD-protected link between Beijing and Shanghai.

QKD has distance limitations. It can only protect data in transit, not when it is resting in data centers. And because fiber-optic cabling itself absorbs some light, a single photon cannot travel far.

Researchers have managed to stretch the network 260 miles in lab conditions. For real-world conditions, the total distance is about 60 miles.

Further transmissions require a series of “trusted nodes,” however nodes are prone to hackers or physical tapping. China solves this by placing armed guards at each of the node stations along the 1,200-mile route.

With six QKD startups in the US. Qubitekk Inc., a startup in Southern California, has a US Department of Energy contract for a pilot program to secure the communications between power plants.

Telecommunications companies including the UK’s BT Group Plc and Japan’s NTT Corp. have indicated they would soon explore options for QKD-protected networks.

There has been a significant push towards QKD networks thanks to Edward Snowden, a contractor working for the US National Security Agency, leaked documents that showed intelligence agencies were spying on networks via hard taps into fiber-optic cables. With QKD technology, government and or spies can no longer do that.

Sources: ZeroHedge.com, Bloomberg.com

Are You in the Middle Class?

Posted By on January 10, 2019

Interesting Stats

Are you in the middle class?

You probably think you are, according to new research from the Pew Research Centerbut that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re right.As HowMuch.net explains, it turns out household size is a major determiner of status in the lower, middle and upper classes.

Least-Educated State: California No. 1 in Percentage of Residents 25 and Older

Posted By on December 20, 2018

Hmm…Massachusetts ranks No. 1 for the percentage of its residents 25 and older—42.1 percent–who have earned at least a bachelor’s degree.

(CNSNews.com) – California ranks No. 1 among the 50 states for the percentage of its residents 25 and older who have never completed ninth grade and 50th for the percentage who have graduated from high school, according to new data from the Census Bureau.

Texas ranks No. 2 for the percentage of its residents 25 and older who have never completed ninth grade and 49th for the percentage who have graduated from high school.


Sources: CNN.com

A Thanksgiving Feast With A Big Turkey Fades Into The Sunset

Posted By on November 22, 2018

Millennials cut back on large Turkey diners…

There are signs that wee birds are in greater demand. Inventories of whole hens, which are smaller than males, are down 8.3 percent from a year ago, the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture data show. Whole toms, the males, are up 6.9 percent.


Want To Know When You’ll Die? UCLA Scientist Decodes Lifespan

Posted By on October 20, 2018

Boy, wouldn’t your life insurance company like to know this!

Want to know when you’ll die? 

UCLA biostatistician Steve Horvath stumbled across a reliable method of predicting a person’s lifespan based on 300-500 DNA markers which reveal whether someone is aging unusually fast or slowly compared to their chronological age, according to a recent research paper. And while it can’t predict the exact date and time of your demise (yet), it comes pretty close.

Horvath became particularly intrigued by how certain chemical changes to cytosine—one of the four DNA bases, or “letters” of the genetic code—make genes more or less active. Given someone’s actual age, looking for these changes in that person’s DNA can tell him whether the person’s body is aging unusually fast or slowly. His team tested this epigenetic clock on 13,000 blood samples collected decades ago, from people whose subsequent date of death was known. The results revealed that the clock can be used to predict mortality. –MIT Technology Review

Horvath, a straight man who grew up in Frankfurt, Germany with a gay identical twin, made the discovery while helping a colleague analyze biological data from the saliva of twins with opposite sexual orientations. The original goal was to determine whether chemical changes could indicate whether certain genes were turned on or off.

And while he wasn’t able to link homosexuality to so-called epigenetic changes (which alter the activity of DNA but not the DNA sequence itself), Horvath found a powerful link between epigenetic changes and aging.

“I was blown away by how strong the signal was,” he says. “I dropped most other projects in my lab and said: ‘This is the future.’”

Aging eight or more years faster than your calendar age equates to twice the typical risk of dying, while aging seven years slower is associated with half the risk of death, Horvath says. His lab has developed a new version that is such a precise life span predictor they named it after the Grim Reaper: DNAm GrimAge. The epigenetic clock is more accurate the younger a person is. It’s especially inaccurate for the very old. –MIT Technology Review

Luck vs. genetics

Horvath finds that around 40% of the speed of the epigenetic clock is determined by genetics, while te rest if due to “lifestyle and luck.”

As we age, the cytosine at hundreds of thousand of spots in our DNA either gains or loses methyl chemical groups (CH3). Horvath’s insight was to measure these increases and decreases in methylation, find the 300 to 500 changes that matter most, and use those to make his clocks. His findings suggest that the speed of the clock is strongly influenced by underlying genes. He estimates that about 40% of the ticking rate is determined by genetic inheritance, and the rest by lifestyle and luck. –MIT Technology Review

Scientist Morgan Levine, who completed postdoctoral research on Horvath’s lab and currently heads a lab at Yale, has begun to compare epigenetic profiles with profile cells extracted from the lining of a healthy umbilical cord. She thinks that she will eventually be able to predict who is at the greatest risk of which diseases, as well as determine how to delay aging.

“Your genes aren’t your fate, but even less so with things like epigenetics,” she says. “There definitely should be things we can do to delay aging if we can just figure out what they are.”

A few likely contenders are totally unsurprising. Eating a healthy diet including lots of vegetables and fish is associated with slower epigenetic aging. Feel older when you’re sleep deprived? It’s probably not a coincidence. Horvath has shown that people with insomnia are more likely to show accelerated epigenetic aging. “Everything you associate with a healthy lifestyle does relate to the new biomarkers in the expected way, which is a boring result, but it’s scientifically very exciting,” he says. –MIT Technology Review

Exercise is bullshit (ok, not entirely)

While diet and lifestyle are a significant factor in longevity, Horvath surprisingly found that regular exercise doesn’t add more than a few months to your life. That said, he says he wants like to look at changes in muscle too in order to see whether exercise makes a difference there.

Horvath hopes that refinements to his method will make it precise enough to reflect changes in lifestyle and behavior, as well as assist in the science of aging. While hundreds of millions of dollars have been thrown behind biotech solutions to slow down aging and defer disease, Horvath hopes that his clock might be able to help researchers determine whether various treatments are effective without having to wait 50 years to find out.

Insurance companies really like the cut of Horvath’s scythe

If there’s one group who would love a crystal ball when it comes to death, it’s the insurance industry. Companies such as Reinsurance Group of America have already begun exploring epigenetic clocks to “tweak and personalize risk assessments” for life insurance products, reports the Review.

Right now, rates are based largely on demographics—people’s gender and age—and a few health metrics, such as whether they smoke. The clock adds another useful data point.

Such personalization raises questions about fairness. If your epigenetic clock is ticking faster through no fault of your own, should you be charged a higher rate for life insurance? The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008—known as GINA—protects against discrimination on the basis of genes. But it doesn’t address epigenetics.

There’s also the issue of privacy. Your likely life span or true biological age is information that many consider intensely personal. For now, regulations and privacy policies don’t even consider the possibility of such information. But as the science quickly progresses, questions about how to use and protect this data will become ever more pressing. –MIT Technology Review

Death clocks for death panels?

Gal Salomon, CEO of Israeli company Clew Medical, which uses artificial intelligence to identify medical risks in hospitals, initially thought the notion of a death predictor was unethical. Then, he realized that it could help doctors “to understand where we need to stop.” Clew has developed an algorithm which can help doctors and family members switch from aggressive to palliative care, “overruling the typical instinct to provide heroic life-saving measures.” Clew’s technology can also alert a family that the end is near, according to Salomon.

That said, some have doubted the usefulness of Horvath’s death clock. “I haven’t seen any of these purported predictive algorithms be precise in terms of timing of death—to the contrary,” says Diane Meier, a professor of geriatrics and palliative medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “People live for a really long time with a very high burden of disease and frailty,” she says.

Sources: MIT Technology Review, Zero Hedge

How To Impeach A President … Hint, It’s Not As Easy As You Might Think!

Posted By on September 2, 2018

An impeachment is a lengthy process and, as Statista’s Fabian Moebus notes, requires a simple majority from the House Judiciary Committee, the House of Representatives and a two-thirds majority of the Senate.

While each step is quite explicitly described by the constitution, the possible indictments are worded rather vaguely. Consequently, most attempts to impeach the president are rejected by the House Judiciary Committee.

Impeachment Process

Sources: Zero Hedge, Statista

Every Major US Valuation Milestone From 1781: The Road To Apple’s Trillion Dollars

Posted By on August 5, 2018

Apple goes from near bankruptcy in 1997 to a trillion dollar market cap in 2018, what a run!

The market has been buzzing about Apple’s $1 trillion market valuation.

It’s an incredible amount of wealth creation in any context – but, as Visual Capitalist’s Jeff Desjardins notes, getting to 12 zeros is especially impressive when you consider that Apple was just 90 days from declaring bankruptcy in 1997.


Here are the major market cap milestones in the U.S. that preceded Apple’s recent $1 trillion valuation, achieved August 2nd, 2018:

Bank of North America (1781)
The first company to hit $1 million in market capitalization. It was the first ever IPO in the United States.

Bank of the United States (1791)
The first company to hit $10 million in market capitalization had a 20 year charter to start, and was championed by Alexander Hamilton.

New York Central Railroad (1878)
The first company to hit $100 million in market capitalization was a crucial railroad that connected New York City, Chicago, Boston, and St. Louis.

AT&T (1924)
The first company to hit $1 billion in market capitalization – this was far before the breakup of AT&T into the “Baby Bells”, which occurred in 1982.

General Motors (1955)
The first company to hit $10 billion in market capitalization. The 1950s were the golden years of growth for U.S. auto companies like GM and Ford, taking place well before the mass entry of foreign companies like Toyota into the domestic automobile market.

General Electric (1995)
The first company to hit $100 billion in market capitalization was only able to do so 23 years ago.

Sources: Visual Capitalist, Zero Hedge

Generation Z Will Be Economic Power, Baby Boomers Fading Away

Posted By on July 4, 2018

“Sorry Millennials, your time in the limelight is over.”

That’s the conclusion of a new report from Barclays analyst Hiral Patel, who writes that it’s time for the Millennials to make way for the new kids on the block – Generation Z – a generational cohort born between 1995 and 2009, and already larger in size than the Millennials (1980-1994).

According to Barclays, the current fixation with Millennials makes them the most studied generation, which in turn has caused the use of this term to simplify to a label for anyone that may be young today; however the irony here is that Millennials are not necessarily young anymore and we run the risk of overlooking the next cohort – Generation Z – who are now coming of age.

Citing survey-based research from a range of sources, Barclays suggests that there are fundamental differences separating Generation Z from the Millennials (Figure 1), material enough for marketplaces to take note today.

Generation Z

he reason for the Barclays report is to asset that this “coming of age” is worth capitalising on now, with Generation Z in the US already having $200bn in direct buying power and $1tn in indirect spending power as they command significantly more influence on household purchases than prior generations.

Furthermore, by 2020, Generation Z are expected to be the largest group of consumers worldwide, making up 40% of the market in the US, Europe and BRIC countries and 10% in the rest of the world (Booz Co).

Gen Z

he reason for the Barclays report is to asset that this “coming of age” is worth capitalising on now, with Generation Z in the US already having $200bn in direct buying power and $1tn in indirect spending power as they command significantly more influence on household purchases than prior generations.

Furthermore, by 2020, Generation Z are expected to be the largest group of consumers worldwide, making up 40% of the market in the US, Europe and BRIC countries and 10% in the rest of the world (Booz Co).

Baby Boomers

Who Americans Trust The Most and Least

Posted By on July 4, 2018

Gallup recently polled U.S. adults about their confidence levels in 15 different societal institutions, finding only three had a majority-level of trust.

Trust Most

Want To Save Money, Then Here’s What You Do

Posted By on June 22, 2018

By far, getting dinner delivered from a restaurant is the most expensive meal option. 

At over $20 per serving on average, a restaurant delivered meal is almost three times as expensive as a meal kit and five times as expensive as cooking at home from scratch. Obviously when you cook at home, you’ll spend more time but you usually end up with a healthier meal because you’re the one to decide what exactly goes into it.

Next, let’s look at the cost of getting specific meals delivered via restaurant delivery versus making the meal from scratch.

The best deal and meals that save you the most, are made at home.

Home Cooking

Presidential Popularity By Own Party

Posted By on June 15, 2018

Interesting numbers…Donald Trump‘s popularity among members of his own party in is higher than any other post-war President except for George W. Bush.

Pesident Popularity

The Supercomputer Race Goes to Summit As The United States Retakes The Lead For Fastest Computer In The World

Posted By on June 8, 2018

America’s new supercomputer beats China’s fastest machine to take title of world’s most powerful supercomputer. Summit is a stepping stone toward a world of exascale computing.

The winner: The US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee has taken the wraps off Summit, which boasts peak computing power of 200 petaflops, or 200 million billion calculations a second. That makes it a million times faster than your typical laptop.

The loser: China. Summit is 60 percent faster than the previous supercomputing leader, the Sunway TaihuLight based in the Chinese city of Wuxi. Consolation prize: China still boasted way more entries than the US in a list of the fastest 500 supercomputers published last year.

AI smarts: Summit is the first supercomputer designed from the ground up to handle machine learning, neural networks, and other AI applications. Its many thousands of AI-optimized chips from Nvidia and IBM can handle demanding tasks, such as crunching through mountains of reports and medical images to help unearth hidden causes of disease.

Jack Wells of Oak Ridge says the experience of building Summit, which fills an area the size of two tennis courts and carries 4,000 gallons of water a minute through its cooling system to carry away about 13 megawatts of heat, will help inform work on exascale machines, which will require even more impressive infrastructure. Things like Summit’s advanced memory management and the novel, high-bandwidth linkages that connect its chips will be essential for handling the vast amounts of data exascale machines will generate. Scientists at the national lab say they’ve already leveraged Summit’s AI smarts to conduct what is effectively an exascale comparative genomics calculation.

Supersized: The machine’s 4,608 servers and associated gear fill the space of two tennis courts and weigh more than a large commercial aircraft.

Why this matters: Topping the supercomputing charts isn’t just a matter of national pride. The machines are widely used in industry and also for national security tasks, such as developing nuclear weapons. Lessons from Summit will also inform the push to create “exascale” computers capable of handling a billion billion calculations a second. These are expected to come online in the early 2020s.

by Martin Giles

Advertising Revenues Listed By Media Type

Posted By on May 21, 2018


TV falls further behind, suffers first ad revenue decline since the Financial Crisis.

Train Wreck

You might think you never look at these ads or click on them, and you might think they’re the biggest waste of money there ever was, but reality is that internet advertising revenues in the US are surging, and are blowing all other media categories out of the water. But only two companies divvy up among themselves nearly 60% of the spoils.

Internet advertising revenues in the US soared 21.4% in 2017 from a year earlier to a record of $88 billion, thus handily demolishing TV ad revenues, which declined 2.6% to $70.1 billion, according to annual ad revenue report by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).


Top 10 Wealthiest Countries In The World

Posted By on May 8, 2018

Looks like its the United States and China, then everybody else…


U.S. Air Force’s X-37B Military Space Plane Marks 200 Days In Orbit

Posted By on April 8, 2018


The U.S. Air Force’s unmanned X-37B space plane has marked its 200th day in orbit on a clandestine mission.

Known as Orbital Test Vehicle-5 (OTV-5), the latest mission began September 7, 2017 after it was launched into space atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 booster from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

According to Air Force officials, one payload flying on OTV-5 is the Advanced Structurally Embedded Thermal Spreader, or ASETS-11, of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). This cargo is testing experimental electronics and oscillating heat pipes for long durations in the space environment. –space.com


The Air Force has not disclosed how long the unpiloted, reusable craft will remain in orbit, however experts have said it’s likely to land at the Kennedy Space Center’s Shuttle Landing Facility, where the OTV-4 mission landed on May 7, 2007 – a first for the program, as previous missions all ended with a tarmac touchdown at California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base.

The X-37B has been and remains a technology demonstrator,” said Joan Johnson-Freese, a professor in the National Security Affairs Department at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.

“Given that most space technology is dual-use, with the ever-increasing sway toward warfare in space, it’s likely that the more militaristic uses of the space plane will be pursued more vigorously, and likely openly given the [presidential] administration’s proclivity toward chest thumping,” Johnson-Freese told Space.com.

Milestone Missions via Space.com

  • Each X-37B mission has set a new flight-duration record for the program.
  • OTV-1 began April 22, 2010, and concluded on Dec. 3, 2010, after 224 days in orbit.
  • The second OTV mission began March 5, 2011, and concluded on June 16, 2012, after 468 days on orbit.
  • OTV-3 chalked up nearly 675 days in orbit before finally coming down on Oct. 17, 2014.
  • And OTV-4 conducted on-orbit experiments for 718 days during its mission, extending the total number of days spent in space for the OTV program to 2,085 days.

Sources: Space.com, zerohedge.com

Retailers Face Poor Future

Posted By on March 15, 2018

The future of retailers couldn’t look more bleak…we expect to see a wave of new BK’s

Retail Bankruptcies Since 2015

Fastest 4G Network Surf Speeds In The World, Hint … U.S. Ranked 62nd

Posted By on February 23, 2018

The United States takes pride in being a technological leader in the world. Companies such as Apple, Alphabet, IBM, Amazon and Microsoft have shaped our (digital) lives for many years and there is little indication of that changing anytime soon.

But, as Statista’s Felix Richter notes, when it comes to IT infrastructure however, the U.S. is lagging behind the world’s best (and many of its not-so-best), be it in terms of home broadband or wireless broadband speeds. According to OpenSignal’s latest State of LTE report, the average 4G download speed in the United States was 16.31 Mbps in Q4 2017.

4G Surf Speeds

The Worlds Wealthiest Cities

Posted By on February 19, 2018

The data shown in this chart represents the total amount of private wealth held by all the individuals living in each of these cities.

Figures here include all assets (property, cash, equities, business interests) less any liabilities. Meanwhile, government funds are excluded from these figures.

Wealthiest Cities

New World Wealth also mentions that there were eight cities that just missed out on the top 15: Houston, Geneva, Osaka, Seoul, Shenzhen, Melbourne, Zurich and Dallas.

The Billionaire Quagmire – Rich Man, Poor Man

Posted By on January 22, 2018

In 2017 the world’s richest 1% raked in 82% of the wealth created last year while the poorest half of the population received none,

Separately, chief executives of the top five global fashion brands made in just four days what garment workers in Bangladesh earn over a lifetime.


U.S. Nuclear Weapons, Power Plants and Labs

Posted By on January 12, 2018

Nuclear warheads are still stored in a number of sites around the continental United States. The map below also highlights laboratories and interstate shipping routes. (Yes, nuclear weapons are apparently shipped in big rigs.)

Nuclear Locations U.S.

Biggest Lobbying Groups

Posted By on January 11, 2018

Here are the biggest lobbyist movers…

Lobby Group

Biggest Breakthroughs of 2017

Posted By on December 31, 2017

Here we go…it’s all about the FUTURE…


Millennial Homeownership

Posted By on December 16, 2017

Let’s break the map down into a top ten list of the urban areas with the highest rates of millennial homeownership, combined with the average price of their home. A full 42% of the millennials living in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN own their own home, the highest rate in the country.

Millinial Home Buying

1. Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI: 42.4% and $222,528

2. St. Louis, MO-IL: 40.2% and $167,791

3. Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI: 40.2% and $148,404

4. Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN: 38.5% and $158,974

5. Pittsburgh, PA: 37.5% and $152,731

6. Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN: 37.4% and $161,856

7. Kansas City, MO-KS: 37.1% and $170,254

8. Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro-Franklin, TN: 37.0% and $213,090

9. Oklahoma City, OK: 36.7% and $172,485

10. Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD: 36.3% and $272,805

 Source: HowMuch.net

The Biggest Bubble Of All Time

Posted By on December 12, 2017

Bitcoin is now in the record books as the biggest bubble of all time…surpassing the Tulip bubble of 1634-1637 along with all others…

bitcoin bubble biggest ever

Bitcoin or Gold…Which Would You Take

Posted By on December 12, 2017

A recent unscientific poll compares bitcoin to gold

 A wealthy person wants to gift you $10,000. You get to choose in which form you’ll take the gift. But there’s a catch: You must keep the gift in the form that you choose, and you can’t touch it for 10 years.

In which form would you take the gift?

“The market cap of bitcoin is c.$275 billion versus gold at $8.3 trillion. Even all of the cryptocurrencies combined have a market cap less than $500 billion. While the lack of liquidity and increased volatility may keep bitcoin interesting, it is unlikely to convince investors looking for the kind of diversification and hedging benefits which gold has proven to possess over its long history.”

The Mystery Of The Lost Bitcoin…

Posted By on November 30, 2017

Earlier this week, IG Markets chief strategist Chris Weston described bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a  massive influx of retail investors getting into the cryptocurrency as a “mania” fueled by press headlines and fear of missing out.

Bitcoin’s exponential 1,000 percent rise this year has captured imaginations and led to warnings of a “bubble.” Its current market capitalization — the price multiplied by the number of bitcoins in circulation — is now nearly $169 billion, according to CoinmarketcapIt’s so big that attention is now rapidly turning to bitcoin’s missing billions.

By Frank Chung, News.com.au

Of the more than 16.7 million bitcoins in circulation, nearly 4 million could be lost forever, according to new research from digital forensics firm Chainalysis. The research is based on a detailed empirical analysis of the blockchain — the “digital ledger” which records all bitcoin transactions, and which gives the currency its value.

The study, reported by Fortune, concluded that between 2.78 million and 3.79 million bitcoins — 17 to 23 percent of existing supply — are lost, amounting to more than $30 billion.

“It’s very easy to lose crypto,” said Martin Davidson, co-founder of Melbourne-based not-for-profit Blockchain Center and business development director at Blockchain Global.

“Bitcoin is a predetermined currency issuance system, so there will only ever be 21 million bitcoins created up to the year 2140.”

“It started in 2009 with the currency issuance of 50 bitcoins every 10 minutes, and every four years it goes down by half. It went down to 25, now we’re in the third phase where it is 12.5 bitcoins every 10 minutes.”

“When bitcoins are produced, they have a private key associated with them. It works using key-pair cryptography — you have a public address and a private key that go together. The public address is what you use to send bitcoins, the private key is what you need to spend them.”

“If you lose the private key, because of the mathematics involved and the strength of the cryptographic system, which is what makes it so safe, it’s impossible to ever get it back. What’s commonly happened is people have just deleted the file off their computer — the text document that holds the private key.”

While many have made analogies with burning a $100 bill or losing a gold bar off the side of a pirate ship, Davidson agreed that the ease with which bitcoins can be accidentally lost forever at the press of a button — particularly given how valuable they now are — can make people uneasy.

“Absolutely, that is one of the largest barriers to adoption,” he said.

“What people need to understand is this technology was born out of the cipher-punk movement, using cryptography for people’s individual freedom and privacy for protection against the state.”

“It was never designed to be user-friendly, but obviously now people are investing hundreds of billions of dollars into these systems that are still nascent with respect to the usability and design of the applications.”

In order to keep their keys safe, some users literally print them out in what’s known as a paper wallet, but Davidson said the best option was a Trezor USB wallet, which retails for about $100.

“They’re known as the best in the world, the most secure. They have firmware on the device designed to keep your private keys safe, they can store bitcoin, Ethereum, some other currencies.”



The Armstrong Economics Model On Earthquakes

Posted By on November 28, 2017


The Great San Francisco Earthquake struck on April 18th, 1906 (1906.295). Based upon our model that monitors also earthquakes due to their impact on the economy (1906 quake led to the Panic of 1907 and the formation to create the Federal Reserve in 1913). The risk for a major earthquake turns up in 2018. Why? Actually from two aspects. This will be the 13th wave of 8.6 years from 1906 which puts the risk starting 2018.095 (Feb 3/4. 2018). However, perhaps a more important model is simply looking at quakes that are 7.0 or higher regardless of where they are. When we focus on this level of activity, here too what emerges is a 31.4-year cycle of intensity. This also turns up in 2018. The real intensity appears to extend into 2021.

There is a new theory that some scientists have put forward. This new theory was published in Geophysical Research Letters earlier this year, by Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado and Rebecca Bendick of the University of Montana. Their hypothesis predicts that because of Earth actually slows down in its rotation, there will be a sharp rise in large earthquakes come 2018. The forecast is based upon looking at earthquakes since 1900 that were greater than 7.0 displays a cycle that is approximately every 32 years for an uptick in these large quakes. They argue that the only factor which strongly correlates is a slight slowing of the Earth’s rotation in a five-year period before the uptick. While I cannot confirm or deny that the cause of the cycle is the slowing of the Earth’s rotation, I can confirm that the cycle exists. Indeed, a Magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit 45 miles from New Caledonia on November 19th, 2017 at 5:43 PM.

The Tokyo Earthquake of 1923 came 17.2 years after the San Francisco Earthquake. That was two 8.6-year waves after 1906. The 17.2-year frequency for 7.0+ quakes was due then in 1940. On May 19th, 1940, Imperial Valley, California, in the United States was hit by a 7.1 quake which was followed by the November 10th, 1940 Vrancea, Romania quake registering 7.4 in magnitude. The next 17.2-year target was 1957. Here we hade four major quakes hit; March 9th, 1957 Andreanof Islands, Alaska coming in at 8.6 in magnitude, April 25th, 1957 Fethiye, Muğla, Turkey  with a 7.1 quake, May 26th, 1957 Abant, Bolu, Turkey at 7.1 in magnitude, and December 4th, 1957 Govi-Altai Province, Mongolia with a 8.1 quake.

The next 17.2-year target was 1974/75. This produced four quakes starting on October 3rd, 1974 Near Lima, Peru registering 8.1, then February 4th, 1975 Haicheng, Liaoning, China 7.0, May 26th, 1975 North Atlantic earthquake 7.9, and July 8th, 1975 Bagan, Myanmar, coming in at 7.5 in magnitude. The next target was 1992 which produced three major quakes starting on April 25th, 1992 Cape Mendocino, California, at 7.2 in magnitude, followed by the June 28th, 1992 Landers, California, at 7.3 on the scale, and September 2nd, 1992 in Nicaragua with a 7.7 quake. The next target was 2009 corresponding with the low in the Crash of 2007-2009. The financial market6s captured the headlines that year, but there were 16 earthquakes in 2009 alone that measured 7.0 or greater with one exceeding 8.0. The next target for intensity will be 2026.

The coming year of 2018 will be the start of an uptick in earthquake intensity. Of course, this is a worldwide model and not one specific to any single city.

The BIG One May Finally Be Close At Hand…

Posted By on November 28, 2017

According to the latest data from Earthquake Track, there have been 698 earthquakes in California within the past 30 days.  By the time that you read this article, that number will undoubtedly have changed.


Authored by Michael Snyder 

Scientists tell us that when seismic activity begins to escalate the probability of having a major earthquake jumps significantly.  Over the past month there have been more mainstream news articles about earthquake swarms in California than seen in years, and the magnitude 4.6 earthquake that rattled Monterey County earlier this month made headlines all over the world.

And it isn’t just the U.S. section of the “Ring of Fire” that seems to be awakening.  Spectacular eruptions have been seen Southeast of Mexico City as Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano spewed smoke and ash high into the air. The volcano had three eruptions Friday, one of which reached two and a half miles into the sky. The first explosion occurred at about 5:00 p.m. local time. Two more explosions overnight spread ash over the villages and fields south of the volcano.

In ancient times, Mt. Popocatepetl completely covered entire Aztec cities with massive amounts of super-heated mud.  Scientists assure us that someday Mt. Popocatepetl will once again erupt in a similar fashion, and the devastation that this will cause will be off the charts.

Meanwhile, an extremely dangerous volcano on the other side of the Ring of Fire is also rapidly coming to life.  When Mount Agung violently erupted in 1963, more than a thousand people were killed, and authorities are extremely concerned about the eruptions that are happening right now

Volcanic eruptions on the Indonesian resort island of Bali have prompted officials to cancel flights and move about 24,000 residents out of the way as a thick ash cloud from Mount Agung, thousands of meters high, drifts east and southeast along the archipelago.

Residents were evacuated from 224 points around the island while Lombok International Airport on Pulau Lombok, the island due east of Bali, has closed temporarily, said Ari Ahsan, spokesman for Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali.

Over the weekend we witnessed eruption after eruption, and the column of ash coming from the volcano is now more than 4 miles high

The first eruption came around 5:30 p.m. local time (4:30 a.m. ET) Saturday, Bali’s Regional Disaster Management Agency said. More eruptions followed and continued into Sunday, with a “medium-pressure eruption” in the early evening that sent ash 2,000 meters into the air, the agency said.

By late Saturday, the volcanic ash plume had reached an altitude of 7,600 meters (4.7 miles), according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology.

But what is troubling authorities more than anything else is the fact that magma has been “detected close to the volcano’s surface”

 It told people within a 7.5km exclusion zone to “immediately evacuate” in an “orderly and calm manner”

Magma – molten rock – has now been detected close to the volcano’s surface, said officials and volcanologists.

What we are witnessing is quite unusual.  All over the planet “dead volcanoes” are coming back to life, and major fault lines are being hit by a seemingly endless barrage of small to mid-size earthquakes.

Is it possible that all of this shaking is leading up to something?


Bitcoin Rides A Wave Of Buyers

Posted By on November 27, 2017

Twenty-five straight months of Bitcoin net inflows….

BitCoin Inflows

“The Man in the Arena”

Posted By on November 25, 2017

A famous quote from Theodore Roosevelt’s “Citizen in a Republic” speech delivered in Paris, France, in 1910 was poetic indeed…..and it’s something every arm chair quarterback should at least think about!

The speech includes a passage referred to as “The Man in the Arena,” which states in part, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood.”

Could Bitcoin Mining Consume All The World’s Current Electricity Production By Feb 2020?

Posted By on November 24, 2017

This is as interesting as it gets!

While Bitcoin Mining is only currently consuming 0.13% of the world’s electricity output, it’s growing incredibly quickly.

The Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index estimates consumption has increased by 29.98% over the past month.

If that growth rate were to continue, and countries did not add any new power generating capacity, Bitcoin mining would:

  • Be greater than UK electricity consumption by October 2018 (309 TWh)
  • Be greater than US electricity consumption by July 2019 (3,913 TWh)
  • Consume all the world’s electricity by February 2020. (21,776 TWh)

Via PowerCompare.co.uk,

Bitcoin’s ongoing meteoric price rise has received the bulk of recent press attention with a lot of discussion around whether or not it’s a bubble waiting to burst.

However, most the coverage has missed out one of the more interesting and unintended consequences of this price increase. That is the surge in global electricity consumption used to “mine” more Bitcoins.

How Does Bitcoin Mining Consume Electricity?

At a very basic level Bitcoin mining requires expensive and power hungry computer hardware. As the the IEEE explains:

Mining power is high and getting higher, thanks to a computational arms race. Recall that the required number of zeros at the beginning of a hash is tweaked biweekly to adjust the difficulty of creating a block—and more zeros means more difficulty.

The Bitcoin algorithm adds these zeros in order to keep the rate at which blocks are added constant, at one new block every 10 minutes. The idea is to compensate for the mining hardware becoming more and more powerful.

When the hashing is harder, it takes more computations to create a block and thus more effort to earn new bitcoins, which are then added to circulation.

According to Digiconomist’s Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index, as of Monday November 20th, 2017 Bitcoin’s current estimated annual electricity consumption stands at 29.05TWh.

That’s the equivalent of 0.13% of total global electricity consumption. While that may not sound like a lot, it means Bitcoin mining is now using more electricity than 159 individual countries (as you can see from the map below). More than Ireland or Nigeria.

If Bitcoin miners were a country they’d rank 61st in the world in terms of electricity consumption.

Here are a few other interesting facts about Bitcoin mining and electricity consumption:

  • In the past month alone, Bitcoin mining electricity consumption is estimated to have increased by 29.98%
  • If it keeps increasing at this rate, Bitcoin mining will consume all the world’s electricity by February 2020.
  • Estimated annualised global mining revenues: $7.2 billion USD (£5.4 billion)
  • Estimated global mining costs: $1.5 billion USD (£1.1 billion)
  • Number of Americans who could be powered by bitcoin mining: 2.4 million (more than the population of Houston)
  • Number of Britons who could be powered by bitcoin mining: 6.1 million (more than the population of Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Bradford, Liverpool, Bristol, Croydon, Coventry, Leicester & Nottingham combined) Or Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
  • Bitcoin Mining consumes more electricity than 12 US states (Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming)

All maps created using Mapchart.net.

Growth of Bitcoin Mining Electricity Consumption


While Bitcoin Mining is only currently consuming 0.13% of the world’s electricity output, it’s growing incredibly quickly.

The Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index estimates consumption has increased by 29.98% over the past month.

If that growth rate were to continue, and countries did not add any new power generating capacity, Bitcoin mining would:

  • Be greater than UK electricity consumption by October 2018 (309 TWh)
  • Be greater than US electricity consumption by July 2019 (3,913 TWh)
  • Consume all the world’s electricity by February 2020. (21,776 TWh)


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