Retirements Just Aren’t The Same Anymore!

| June 18, 2011

Retirements are changing more then anyone thought possible. From… The Wall Street Journal Several factors are driving the trend toward older people earning and working less, from the sour economy to downsizing and the fact that employers have been moved to more “performance-based” pay, which often translates into smaller pay increases, as well as pay […]

From AARP…..Ten Worst States For Retirement

| January 14, 2011 gave the most weight to three criteria: taxes, fiscal health and climate. Each of these factors is important, generally speaking, to retirees. On the financial front, high taxes can eat away at limited incomes, while poor fiscal health can force state governments to raise revenue or cut services. A warm climate is a natural […]

U.S. Retirement (Broken) Nest Eggs

| December 27, 2010

The median (defined as the amount separating the top 50% from the bottom 50% but not an average) retirement account for U.S. households is $2,000 (in other words half the population has more than $2,000 in retirement and half has less).  This is why the vast majority of retirees depend on Social Security as their primary source […]

Retirement May Never Happen For Many

| December 7, 2010

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