Crony Capitalism, Globalism And Elitism Has Been Blown Up … Now A New American Dream Rises From The Ashes

Posted By on November 9, 2016

Donald Trump – You’re Hired!

A ‘colossal ordeal’  – may lead to a ‘colossal transformation’, or for those completely in-turmoil over what is to be the historical overthrow of the ‘existing order’; the message is still unmistakable.    ‘Gene Inger’

Whether this is the beginning of a difficult painstaking process to wrestle back control of America’s destiny; or a most negative imaginable development for the overextended monetarists and globalists; it’s pretty much an American version of Brexit.

Had Hillary Clinton won; it would have been continuity of the current order. And it would have limited the economic process with respect to maintaining the international trading order as it has been. With her out of the picture; the pain comes from a side which hasn’t been heard from much in the hallowed halls of Washington.

Let’s be honest. There was much at work here.  The USC / LA Times and IBD (Investors Business Daily) and Facebook mood ‘polls’ that were ignored by most networks, turned out to be spot-on. Trump stated from the beginning that this election would not be won by the large amounts of money spent, but a win would come because of  the well understood use of social media. He was right on!

The grand consequences of Obamacare; geopolitics, Supreme Court; of Trade … National Security… all matter. A huge responsibility exists; and understanding the ability of non-professionals to handle it seems obvious to Trump, a man considered to be one of the most successful business men of all time!

The future is now. Let’s see what he can do!

       The Stated Truth

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