| September 29, 2017
According to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, the National Football League is seen as more unfavorable than ever before. “The NFL’s net favorability has dropped from 30% on September 21 to 17% on September 28,” the poll shows. Source: Politico
Category: National News, Sports, Tid Bits |
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Tags: NFL Popularity, Sports Favoritability | September 25, 2017
Economic prosperity is concentrated in America’s elite zip codes, but in an interesting report on Distressed Communities, from The Economic Innovation Group, it is increasingly clear that economic stability outside of those communities is rapidly deteriorating. As Axios noted, this isn’t a Republican or Democratic problem. At every level of government, both parties represent distressed areas. But the economic fortunes […]
Category: Economy, Finance, National News, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Uncategorized, Wall Street |
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Tags: Economic Prosperity, Haves-Have Not's, Political Economic Prosperity | September 11, 2017
Hmm… Guess Hillary can’t take a hint! If prices are any indicator of demand, which they’re pretty much universally accepted to be, then Hillary may want to rethink efforts to rush out the sequel as both Amazon and Walmart have decided to slash prices of “What Happened” by 40% before the books even hit shelves. After […]
Category: Wall Street |
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Tags: | September 11, 2017
China generates 65% of its power, more than double the U.S., from the “dirtiest” fuel available: Coal.
Category: National News, Oil and Nat Gas, Tid Bits, World News |
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Tags: China Dirty Energy, China Energy Mix | September 9, 2017
After going on a tear of 51-9, the best 60 game winning stretch in 105 years in all of baseball, the ink was barely dry on the August 28’th Sports Illustrated’s cover, which read, “Best Team Ever,” before the Dodgers went into a major tailspin currently losing 13 14 15 16 of 14 15 16 17 and the last 8 9 10 11 […]
Category: Commentary, National News, Sports |
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Tags: A Sinking Ship In Dodger Land..., Dodgers Losing Streak, Sports Illistrated Knocks Out The Dodgers | September 1, 2017
This chart shows that the majority of income growth is now concentrated in the top 1/0th of 1%, and most of what’s left over has gone to the top 5%. This is the only possible outcome of financialization and central-bank inflated asset bubbles.
Category: National News, Personal Net Worth, Technology, Wall Street |
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Tags: Bubble, Financial Bubble, High Income, Inequity Bubble, Low Income, Stats