Which Cars Depreciate The Fastest Over A 5 Year Period?

| December 18, 2023

Generally speaking, luxery cars seem to do the poorest at holding value.  . MONDAY, DEC 18, 2023 – 05:20 PM … It’s a fact of life that vehicles depreciate – some say by almost 50% as soon they’re driven out of the lot. Some depreciate less, but which cars depreciate the fastest? In the graphic below, Visual Capitalist’s […]

There Are Now Less Than 3,000 US Listed Companies, Dwarfed by Over 7,000 Global ETFs

| August 12, 2020

Rather important happenings if you are an investor. We would pay attention class, it will matter at some point. ETFs used to be touted as a great way to gain exposure to the stock market. But now, thanks to fee-hungry issuers, the tail is wagging the dog and ETFs are the stock market.  “The number of public companies […]

Singapore Oil Trading Giant Files For Bankruptcy After Hiding $800 Million In Losses, Secretly Selling Loan Collateral

| April 19, 2020

Checkmate for Singapore’s biggest and most iconic – and extremely secretive oil traders, Hin Leong Trading… ZeroHedge Sun, 04/19/2020 – 14:20 Last weekend we reported that one of Singapore’s biggest and most iconic – and extremely secretive – oil traders, Hin Leong Trading, whose website reported the company’s revenue surpassed $14 billion back in 2012, was on the verge of […]

Charles Lindbergh, Can You Believe This?

| March 25, 2020

One would logically think it probably can’t get any worse! According to this stunning chart from Deutsche Bank’s Torsten Slok, US airline passenger traffic is currently just 10% of normal. As Slok explains, “on a normal day in March, over 2 million people travel by air in the United States. Yesterday that number was 279,018.”

We Currently Have the Largest Market Crash of All Time in the Shortest Period Ever

| March 21, 2020

The world has never seen anything like this before, ever! Please remember that the world pension system needs the stock market and the stock market needs the pension system.  Rest assured the governments of the world will be throwing everything they can in monetary stimulus to lesson the financial blow as we move forward. At some point there […]

Wealthy Millennials Are Now Moving To These States

| June 13, 2019

This makes sense, until a big earthquake hits the U.S. west coast. According to a new SmartAsset study, wealthy millennials are moving to the coasts, but the Northeast isn’t one of them. We defined millennials as people under the age of 35 and looked specifically at millennials with adjusted gross incomes (AGI) of at least $100,000. To determine […]

Are You in the Middle Class?

| January 10, 2019

Interesting Stats Are you in the middle class? You probably think you are, according to new research from the Pew Research Center, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re right.As HowMuch.net explains, it turns out household size is a major determiner of status in the lower, middle and upper classes.

Bitcoin or Gold…Which Would You Take

| December 12, 2017

A recent unscientific poll compares bitcoin to gold…  Ron Paul ✔@RonPaul  A wealthy person wants to gift you $10,000. You get to choose in which form you’ll take the gift. But there’s a catch: You must keep the gift in the form that you choose, and you can’t touch it for 10 years. In which form […]

$300 Million in Cryptocurrency’ Accidentally Lost Forever…That’s Right, Forever!

| November 18, 2017

A user mistakenly takes control of hundreds of wallets containing cryptocurrency Ether, then accidently permanently destroys them in a panic while trying to give them back…Hmm, sounds like a bad day for someone! More than $300m of cryptocurrency has been lost after a series of bugs in a popular digital wallet service led one curious developer […]

First Time Ever, The Top 1% Own More Than Half The World’s Wealth

| November 14, 2017

The top 1% of global wealth holders started the millennium with 45.5% of all household wealth. This share was about the same until 2006, then fell to 42.5% two years later. The downward trend reversed after 2008 and the share of the top one percent has been on an upward path ever since, passing the year […]

Those Left Behind From The Current Economic Prosperity, Will Likely Never Be Able To Catch Up…

| September 25, 2017

Economic prosperity is concentrated in America’s elite zip codes, but in an interesting report on Distressed Communities, from The Economic Innovation Group, it is increasingly clear that economic stability outside of those communities is rapidly deteriorating. As Axios noted, this isn’t a Republican or Democratic problem. At every level of government, both parties represent distressed areas. But the economic fortunes […]

Net Worth Percentile Ranking By Age

| June 5, 2017

Here we go, figure where you stand with these age/net worth breakdowns… Net Worth Summary Statistics for Households Aged 25 to 35 Net Worth Percentile Rank : A net worth of $0.00 for ages 25 to 35 ranks at the 22.67% Median Net Worth : $16,000.00 Mean Net Worth : $100,146.00 Net Worth 25th – […]

Disparity In U.S. And World Inequity Can’t Last Much Longer and It’s The Reason For The New Populist Agenda Sweeping The World

| March 28, 2017

It’s a screwed up world…  

Consumer Confidence Levels By Political Views

| March 8, 2017

Here is an interesting politically motivated chart…

Interesting Numbers

| January 7, 2017

So now we know why home ownership rates have fallen to 50 year lows.

2017 Tax Changes From President Elect Trump And How They Might Impact You

| December 17, 2016

Here it is …  how the new Trump proposed tax changes will effect you. Double click on image to enlarge.

Average Debt For Americans

| December 17, 2016

How does your debt compare…

State Tax Revenues Are Heading Down, Indicating Early Signs Of Trouble For State Budgets

| October 16, 2016

This is bad news for state governments …

Some Food For Thought From ‘Jessi’e’s Cafe Americain’

| August 15, 2015

So, the real question is….where are we now?     Sources: Jesse’s Cafe Americain, Oak Tree Asset Management.com

They’re Called The Princes Of “Rolling Jubilee” (You’ll See Why)….. So Just Who Are These Guys And What Do They Do?

| November 1, 2014

Rolling Jubilee… some say it’s about good vs. evil. But in reality it’s all about money and trying to fix the sales pitch from government and schools directly aimed at students which aggressively encourages student loans, and in the end it’s about fixing the pain of life long encumbrances caused by that sales pitch. The totality of college debt […]

The Perfect Witches Brew…..

| June 24, 2014

The Baltic Dry Index just delivered its worst first half of a year performance ever…yes, we said EVER!  This signals a slowing economy. Beware Wall Street, where we have record margin debt combined with incredible complacency…This is likely a perfect witches brew, setting up a variety of outlier events by year end 2014! By definition: The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is a […]

Milton Friedman On Big Government

| March 2, 2014

This says it all… “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand” Wise Dog Research

Mt Gox Files For Bankruptcy After $473 Million In Bitcoins “Disappeared”

| March 1, 2014

Hmm….It looks like the digital encrypted currency exchanges have some bugs to work out! For a case study of a blistering rise and an absolutely epic fall of an exchange that i) was named after Magic: the Gathering and ii) transacted in a digital currency which many have speculated was conceived by the NSA nearly two decades ago […]

New Digial Currencies Challenge Bitcoin

| December 1, 2013

Challengers to Bitcoin are popping up on the street. Bitcoins value topped out at $ 1,163 a few days ago but trades now at $941.03.   Ripple and Litecoin are challenging Bitcoin for the digital currency bussiness and Canada’s government project Mintchip is close behind. Read about it here: (The Canadian Mint Is Working On A New Digital Money Project […]

Bitcoin…Is It The Reason Gold Has No Future, Or… Does It Make Gold’s Future Even More Important!

| November 30, 2013

Is Bitcoin the shining light of the future and Gold a buried relic of the past. It sure is looking more and more like that’s the case.  But, maybe not so fast, as there are new plans to create a Gold backed digital currency similar to Bitcoin. This should be interesting, we’ll keep you informed. Governments of the […]

The United States Antitrust Law? Does It Still Exist!

| November 25, 2013

                                  Op-Ed      The Stated Truth Elitist Defeatism Of Real Competition In A Slow Growth World For markets to grow in a capitalist society, it is imperative to have high levels of competition. The more competition the better. This helps innovation and has been the backbone of our economy over the last 102 years or to be […]

I’m Smarter, That’s Why I’m Richer Than You – Is The Rich War Cry…Uh, Maybe, Then Again Maybe Not!… But Either Way Governments Are Getting A Little More Desperate Now, And The Rich Are Making Themselves Into Very Colorful Feathered Targets For New Mega Wealth Taxes!

| November 5, 2013

The easy target with colorful feathers spread wide are the rich and the super rich.  Ice Cap Asset Management explains and the IMF builds the case…..Absent economic growth, higher taxes are the only perceived option. Be prepared. Ice Cap in summary….”Meanwhile, our analysis of the global economy continues to show a lack of any acceleration. Instead growth remains […]

Meet the 0.0001% – 166 Americans Who Made Over $50 Million In 2012

| November 4, 2013

Here we go, it’s the roaring 20’s all over again but even more so now!  Never in U.S. history have so many individuals earned over $50 million per year. Never before has the divide between the wealthy and the poor been so wide (never). The source of this catalyst for unrest in society, as Mark […]

Rich Man, Poor Man….How Do We Fix It?

| November 4, 2013

Back on October 27 we did a report on the worlds wealth pyramid titled A Travesty Of Grandiose Proportions (click the blue lettering to review).  The report discusssed the great disconnect in the world today between the wealth of the super rich and everyone else. Now, in todays review, we are going to touch on income extremes, with hopes […]

A Trillion Isn’t What It Used To Be!

| October 31, 2013

If you look back in history, it took the United States 192 years to rack-up $1 trillion of debt.  Then, the next $1 trillion of debt took only 30 years.  Astonishingly, now we are going through $1 trillion each year. Source: Wise Dog Research

The Canadian Mint Is Working On A New Digital Money Project Called ‘MintChip’, No It’s Not Ice Cream…It’s A New Form Of Digital Currency, Does BitCoin Ring A Bell?

| October 31, 2013

BitCoin may have become the fuzzy model for countries around the world to modify the digital money idea. Software engineers for Crown Corp in Canada will begin pilot testing a novel form of digital currency that so far has received little attention.  It has the potential to revolutionize how we do business. “Where we’re going is not a […]

U.S. Budget Deficit Narrows To 5-Year Low On Record Revenue

| October 30, 2013

Surprised as we are, somehow we don’t think it was employment gains that powered this giant revenue collection….capital gains taxes would make more sense being that stock markets are at all time highs! Bloomberg: The U.S. posted its smallest budget deficit in five years as employment gains helped propel revenue to a record. Spending exceeded receipts […]

Financial Musical Chairs… But When The Music Stops, Who Will Have A Seat?

| October 28, 2013

JP Morgan has a report out that is reviewed in part below. Everybody should take time to read it.  The economy is being stimulated with excess liquidity like never before in history. When it slows or stops, we will have a Stanely Druckenmiller event, i.e., Druckenmiller said recently (September 11)….that financial markets could readjust to lower priced levels instantaneously upon changes in Fed […]

A Travesty Of Grandiose Proportions

| October 27, 2013

Never before has the world seen such disparity of wealth between rich and everyone else.  Out comes the pen and off goes another letter to our worthless Congress.  Will they even read it? John Maudlin, in his new book Code Red, (to be released on Monday, Oct. 28) reviewed the latest key figures concerning record wealth disparity, and it’s a […]

Let’s Throw Every One Of Them Out Of Office….It Will take Six Years, But It’s Something That Has To Be Done!

| October 17, 2013

The U.S. Congress, what a bunch of thieven’ bums…. Last night, after more than two weeks of utterly embarrassing theater, the government in the Land of the Entitled inked a deal to kick the can down the road for a few more months. And in doing so, they set a very dangerous precedent. As part of the […]

The U.S. Government Issues New Ben’s

| October 9, 2013

Yep…new $100 dollar bills (notes) started to circulate yesterday.  This project was said to be in development for over 10 years as a joint effort by The Federal Reserve, U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the U.S. Secret Service.  First year production is expected to be around 3.4 billion with print facilities in Washington D.C. and […]

Meet The Real Estate Housing Market “Vampire REOs” Where Many Americans Live Mortgage-Free

| October 3, 2013

Zero Hedge is just out with this interesting article concerning the housing markets and what they call artifical price gains. Yeh, we agree, the whole free market system has been rigged in one way or another since 2009. ZeroHedge: Concerning Foreclosure stuffing. We explained this scheme by banks to limit the amount of available for sale […]

Housing “Recovery” Showing New Cracks, This One Will Expand!

| October 2, 2013

Wise Dog Sources: “We know from experience that if Carlyle Group is a seller (of anything), then you’ll want to be a seller also.  Yes, they are that good.”   “They buy wholesale, and sell retail or above. There’s no meat left on the bone when they’re done!” Via Bloomberg, Carlyle Group LP, the private-equity firm with more […]

The 10 Most Powerfull Corporations In The World

| September 27, 2013

Below are the top 10 corporations by market cap listed in 5 year increments spanning the last 21 years, actually the last increment was 6 years. While the names have changed at the very top, the premise has not.  And…the winner for 2013 is (drum roll) Apple. But pay attention to this, nobody has stayed number one for very long! In fact, most […]

Inflation Based On Three Easy Comparisons…..

| September 26, 2013

Based on the graph below, a new car is the deal of the decade, in fact it’s the best deal going back multiple decades! Wise Dog

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