The Most ‘Brand-Loyal’ Vehicle-Owners In The World

| March 31, 2024

Interesting list! BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, MAR 30, 2024 – 07:45 PM This graphic, via Visual Capitalist’s Marcus Lu, visualizes the best and worst car brands in terms of brand loyalty. This is measured by the % of current owners who would buy from the same brand for their next vehicle. Data comes from Consumer Reports’ owner satisfaction […]

The 5 Most Valuable — and 5 Least Valuable — College Majors

| October 4, 2021

If you are looking to get the best return on your investment in a college degree, you may want to consider a major in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.   Top 5 STEM degrees dominated the top of the rankings. It’s an area of study that’s already been gaining popularity. In fact, […]

Looking Back in History

| May 16, 2021

The world as we remember it… Using insights from our Generational Power Index 2021 report, along with survey data from Pew Research in 2016, Visual Capitalist’s Iman Ghosh identified some key milestones for each cohort, to understand how these events helped shape each generation’s unique perspectives. Download the Generational Power Report (.pdf)

The World’s Richest Families

| September 10, 2020

The top 2 are from the United States. This graphic, using data from Bloomberg, ranks the 25 most wealthy families in the world. The data excludes first-generation wealth and wealth controlled by a single heir, which is why you don’t see Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates on the list. Families whose source of wealth is too diffused […]

$3 Billion, 300-Acre MegaCity Envisioned For California’s Record Homeless… But There’s A Twist

| December 21, 2019

Why not just call it the HH (Homeless Hilton)? Ask any San Franciscan what the state of California has an excess of and the most likely answer will be homeless people (and their excrement, especially with the liberal mecca recording as many as 16,000 “feces complaints” in one week ). Actually, ask just about anyone […]

Degree’s That Earn You The Most, and Those That Don’t

| March 2, 2019

So, there you go, Degree’s for high earners and those for all the rest …

Want To Save Money, Then Here’s What You Do

| June 22, 2018

By far, getting dinner delivered from a restaurant is the most expensive meal option.  At over $20 per serving on average, a restaurant delivered meal is almost three times as expensive as a meal kit and five times as expensive as cooking at home from scratch. Obviously when you cook at home, you’ll spend more […]

U.S. Air Force’s X-37B Military Space Plane Marks 200 Days In Orbit

| April 8, 2018

  The U.S. Air Force’s unmanned X-37B space plane has marked its 200th day in orbit on a clandestine mission. Known as Orbital Test Vehicle-5 (OTV-5), the latest mission began September 7, 2017 after it was launched into space atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 booster from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. According […]

Biggest Breakthroughs of 2017

| December 31, 2017

Here we go…it’s all about the FUTURE…

“The Man in the Arena”

| November 25, 2017

A famous quote from Theodore Roosevelt’s “Citizen in a Republic” speech delivered in Paris, France, in 1910 was poetic indeed…..and it’s something every arm chair quarterback should at least think about! The speech includes a passage referred to as “The Man in the Arena,” which states in part, “It is not the critic who counts; […]

The Time Everyone “Corrected” The World’s Smartest Woman…They Were All Wrong!

| October 1, 2017

Monty Hall, the genial host and co-creator of “Let’s Make a Deal,” the game show on which contestants in outlandish costumes shriek and leap at the chance to see if they will win the big prize or the booby prize behind door No. 3, died at his home in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Saturday. He was 96. […]

Did An Author From The Late 1800’s Predict Trump And His Problems?

| August 6, 2017

Pay attention class… this story is as interesting as it gets!         Authored by Josie Wales via, Did a 19th-century author really predict Trump’s election, Russiagate, and the potential collapse of the country? It’s impossible to say for sure, but the ever-resourceful and endlessly curious users of Reddit and 4chan have unearthed some fascinating evidence to give some substance […]

Trust And Confidence Factors In America Today

| April 9, 2017

The media, big business and congress bring up the rear of the donkey’s ass here! It comes as no surprise to us.

President Trump Top Level Positions

| January 23, 2017

You’re Hired!

Notable Presidential Debates Of The Last 56 Years

| September 25, 2016

Notable Presidential debates of the past …

The Civil War Pictures … Then and Now

| March 18, 2016

This is the most interesting thing we have seen in a long time. Click on the blue link below, and watch photo fade outs from the civil war, showing the same locations as they looked back in 1865 to how they look now. Really worth the time to watch.

Social Security History Lesson

| March 18, 2016

A History Lesson About Your  Social Security Card Social Security Cards up until the 1980s expressly stated the number and card were not to be used for identification purposes. Since nearly everyone in the United States now has a number, it became convenient to use it anyway and the message, NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION, was removed. Franklin […]

House Speaker Boehner Explains The Republicans’ Agenda

| November 6, 2014

It’s about time to turn back the clock, and no we don’t mean off daylight savings…..tic, toc…tic, toc. What  the Democrat’s now have to look forward to is a high stakes chess match….hint, the President looks to be overmatched here! In fact if President Obama plays his cards wrong, the Democratic party may well be on the way destroying itself. As […]

‘Half Past Human’ Has Made Some Startling Predictions Over The Years

| June 10, 2014

Half Past Human uses algorithmic tapping of humanity consciousness, to predict the future of significant events. It operates by scanning the internet and social media millions of times for words, by creating linguistic structures, subsets and cross links of significance, that in its entirety will yield something understandable. It’s called the WebBot Project, and it’s the brain child of Clif High. The methodology of […]

A Billion Miles Is 28 and 1/2 Trips To Mars

| June 6, 2014

A billion hours ago, modern Homo sapiens emerged A billion minutes ago, Christianity began A billion seconds ago, the IBM PC was released A billion Google searches ago…was this morning Sources: Cumberland Advisors, Wise Dog Research

Milton Friedman On Big Government

| March 2, 2014

This says it all… “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand” Wise Dog Research

It’s Not Always How It Looks…..

| March 2, 2014

This should be a lesson on investigative work…. If you’ve ever worked for a boss who reacts before getting the facts and thinking things through, you will love this! Jethero’s Iron Works Company, feeling it was time for a shakeup, hired a new CEO.  The new  boss was determined to rid the company of all […]

Mt Gox Files For Bankruptcy After $473 Million In Bitcoins “Disappeared”

| March 1, 2014

Hmm….It looks like the digital encrypted currency exchanges have some bugs to work out! For a case study of a blistering rise and an absolutely epic fall of an exchange that i) was named after Magic: the Gathering and ii) transacted in a digital currency which many have speculated was conceived by the NSA nearly two decades ago […]

This Is What Will Take Down The World, Mark Our Words, It Sets Up An Unwelcome Outcome… Guar·an·teed..

| January 23, 2014

A Great Awakening Is Coming….. Currently the 85 richest people in the world have about as much wealth as the poorest 50% of the entire global population does.  In other words, 85 extremely wealthy individuals have about as much wealth as the poorest 3,500,000,000 do. Just as wrong is the fact that  according to Oxfam, the richest one […]

Mind Games

| December 27, 2013

Here’s a trick of Doctor Dementia to test your mind skills….   I’ve  seen this done with the letters out of order, but this is the first time  I’ve seen it with numbers. This is a good example of a Brain Study: If you can read this OUT LOUD, you have a strong mind.   And better […]

The United States Antitrust Law? Does It Still Exist!

| November 25, 2013

                                  Op-Ed      The Stated Truth Elitist Defeatism Of Real Competition In A Slow Growth World For markets to grow in a capitalist society, it is imperative to have high levels of competition. The more competition the better. This helps innovation and has been the backbone of our economy over the last 102 years or to be […]

John Connally, Ex-Treasury Secretary And Texas Governor, Shot While Riding With JFK In 1963… Talked Of Vast Criminality In U.S. Before He Died

| November 19, 2013

Criminality and corruption, especially in the government, are today like nothing ever seen before in our lifetime. But just how bad was it back in the 1960’s and 70’s?  Well, John Connally tells us in no uncertain terms, a stunning story of how bad it was. He waited until 1992 to talk about this. When John Connally finally did get things off his […]

9-11-2001 Remembered Twelve Years Later

| September 11, 2013

As remembering one of the toughest days in our history passes, let’s not forget those innocent kind souls who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.  God Bless America, Land Of The Free and Home Of The Brave.  

In All Fairness….The Founding Fathers Would Be Offended By These Facts: That The U.S.Senate And The U.S. Congress Don’t Abide By The Same Laws Of The Land, But The Rest Of Us Do!

| August 28, 2013

Print and send or forward this to your US  Senator and US Congressman or Congresswoman!  You can say sent you! THIRTY FIVE  STATES SO FAR….AND IT’S GROWING  Governors of 35 states have filed suit against the  Federal Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon them. It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to convene […]

Samsung Galaxy Cell Phone May Work Like Magic With Eye Control

| March 10, 2013

Amazing things are happening in technology…… The Samsung S4 launch will be on Wednesday Rumoured features include wireless charging and ‘eye scroll’ screen The iPhone may face its biggest challenge for supremacy in the smartphone market this week with the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy. In what has been described by some as the most eagerly […]

So….How Do You Feel About The New Rule Changes For Golfers

| March 9, 2013

Yep, just as we thought, nobody likes the rules being changed as described below in this make believe scenario involving golf. Why? Because it gives an unfair advantage to those that didn’t earn it. The government is doing similar things involving almost every aspect of our lives. So then what makes it so hard to understand? Well, let’s look at an example. To put it all in perspective, we can look […]

Here’s One For The Road…Who Is – The Worlds Biggest Hedge Fund….And No It Isn’t Bridgewater, Which Is Second On The List

| September 30, 2012

Wow, this is really unbelievable.  Truly, it’s unbelievable! You’ll never guess the name that controls the worlds biggest hedge fund. Chances are good that nobody will get this one right! The world’s largest hedge fund is not located in the top floor of some shiny, floor-to-ceiling glass clad skyscraper in New York, London, Hong Kong or Shanghai. Instead […]

The Guessing Game….

| September 30, 2012

In This Guessing Game……There Are Four Possible Answers.  So here we go with inquiring minds! With the World on your shoulders,  which one  of  these four outcomes would you look to hitch your horse to…. 1. One who knows and knows that he knows… His horse of wisdom will reach the skies. 2. One who knows, but doesn’t know that he […]

A Wise Old Owl

| September 21, 2012

A wise old Owl recently dropped this in my box… pretty much sums things up. Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. –Albert Einstein Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you […]

The Ides Of March

| March 25, 2012

What Have We Learned…  in 2,067 Years? Umm…..Evidently Nothing! “The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living […]

Social Media, The Real Story

| February 16, 2012

Sounds plausible! As part of its social media survey Goldman Sachs asked respondents what is the main reason for people to “log on” to various social networking venues. The answer, by a wide margin, is the expected one: namely to spy, and to compare whether our lives are more boring, less glitzy and exciting, with […]

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month

| February 3, 2012

The devil’s in the details, read it and weep!   Non Farm Payrolls Soar By 243K, Unemployment Rate Drops To 8.3% Whopper of a NFP (non farm payroll) number, which prints at 243K, higher than the biggest forecast of 225K, on consensus expectations of 140K, the biggest jump since February 2009. But the devil’s in the […]

Thinking Out Of The Box…In This Case, It’s A Toothpaste Box

| January 22, 2012

This kind of reminds us of the dopes in Washington….clueless as to how to resolve anything in a logical way unless of course it costs us tax payers millions! A toothpaste factory had a problem: they sometimes shipped empty boxes, without the tube inside. This was due to the way the production line was set up, and […]

So Let’s See…. Who Are The 1 Percent?

| January 8, 2012

The True Grit…Of 2011

| December 16, 2011

 Here are 50 significant stats for 2011….  #1 A staggering 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be “low income” or are living in poverty. #2 Approximately 57 percent of all children in the United States are living in homes that are either considered to be “low income” or impoverished. #3 If the number […]

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