A Trillion Isn’t What It Used To Be!

| October 31, 2013

If you look back in history, it took the United States 192 years to rack-up $1 trillion of debt.  Then, the next $1 trillion of debt took only 30 years.  Astonishingly, now we are going through $1 trillion each year. Source: Wise Dog Research

The Canadian Mint Is Working On A New Digital Money Project Called ‘MintChip’, No It’s Not Ice Cream…It’s A New Form Of Digital Currency, Does BitCoin Ring A Bell?

| October 31, 2013

BitCoin may have become the fuzzy model for countries around the world to modify the digital money idea. Software engineers for Crown Corp in Canada will begin pilot testing a novel form of digital currency that so far has received little attention.  It has the potential to revolutionize how we do business. “Where we’re going is not a […]

The United States Is Now The Worlds Largest Oil Producer, Yes…You Heard It Right

| October 30, 2013

So maybe this has something to do with the stock markets being so strong. It’s no secret that cheap oil is critical to long term growth in big economies like the United States. Reuters News: The U.S. has  surpassed Saudi Arabia as the biggest oil producer in the world. You read that correctly: “The jump in output […]

U.S. Budget Deficit Narrows To 5-Year Low On Record Revenue

| October 30, 2013

Surprised as we are, somehow we don’t think it was employment gains that powered this giant revenue collection….capital gains taxes would make more sense being that stock markets are at all time highs! Bloomberg: The U.S. posted its smallest budget deficit in five years as employment gains helped propel revenue to a record. Spending exceeded receipts […]

Financial Musical Chairs… But When The Music Stops, Who Will Have A Seat?

| October 28, 2013

JP Morgan has a report out that is reviewed in part below. Everybody should take time to read it.  The economy is being stimulated with excess liquidity like never before in history. When it slows or stops, we will have a Stanely Druckenmiller event, i.e., Druckenmiller said recently (September 11)….that financial markets could readjust to lower priced levels instantaneously upon changes in Fed […]

A Travesty Of Grandiose Proportions

| October 27, 2013

Never before has the world seen such disparity of wealth between rich and everyone else.  Out comes the pen and off goes another letter to our worthless Congress.  Will they even read it? John Maudlin, in his new book Code Red, (to be released on Monday, Oct. 28) reviewed the latest key figures concerning record wealth disparity, and it’s a […]

When General Motors Went Bankrupt Back In 2009, The Pontiac Car Brand Was Killed On A Government Whim!

| October 26, 2013

We always liked the GM Pontiac brand, established back in 1926, with an early model called The Chief, which started as a companion make for General Motors’ Oakland name plate.  It quickly overtoke its parent in popularity, and supplanted the Oakland brand entirely by 1931. Interestingly, Pontiac always had a theme and closeness to Native American Indians, originally built in Pontiac, Michigan, the early cars […]

Silk Road Not So Silky…And The Encryption Not So Encrypted

| October 26, 2013

Well, there she blows…..$29 million thought to be safely locked up in BitCoins by Ross William Ulbricht also known as The Dread Pirate, just fell out of the sky and into the laps of the Fed’s. Actually it looks like the encryption code wasn’t as tough to crack as thought. Read more about this by clicking here; The BitCoin Model […]

John McAffee Say’s He’s Got The Problem Of NSA Spying Fixed!

| October 25, 2013

Hmm…Anti-virus legend and wild man John McAffee claims that he has created a $100 hardware router which will block NSA snooping…..he goes on to say there’s no way (for the government) to track who you are or where you are.  Sounds great, but the biggest problem is – does anyone really believe him?  And even if McAffee did have a fix […]

Powerful Nations And Mega Large Companies Fight Back Against NSA Spying

| October 25, 2013

This is what can happen when power is abused,….we think it is just the begining of efforts to neutralize U.S. power around the world.. Much of the new telecommunications infrastructure layout is said to be built to avoid American spying.  Can’t say that we can blame them! One of India’s largest newspapers – The Hindu – reports: Most of Brazil’s global […]

Soon To Be Proposed USA FREEDOM Act Could Rein In Abuses Of The Patriot Act

| October 25, 2013

Off to Washington D.C. goes another letter to our Congressman….. YES, we’re in favor of changing the often abused Patriot Act.  This movement already has more than 50 co-sponsors. There is also a bipartisan coalition called’ StopWatching US’, that includes Congressman Amash, and the coalition includes hundreds of organizations from all sides of the political spectrum. The petition on reining in NSA surveillance […]

NSA (National Security Agency) Spied On An Estimated 124 Billion Phone Calls In One Month According To The Guardian And Other Sources

| October 24, 2013

So….. Is the United States the new bully of the world? It’s an interesting question.  We have talked in the past about In-Q-Tel, the CIA partnership with new upstart companies, and how many of these companies deal with computer  communications encryption software and related type stuff…..Here is the www.iqt.org mission statement from their website. The IQT […]

Japan Wilts From With-In…..

| October 21, 2013

In Japan, diapors for old people now out sell diapors for babys….and it just gets worse from there.   A recent study showed a third of the people under 30 in Japan have never dated at all. That explains Japan’s fertility rate, which is 1.39 for women, compared with 1.93 in the U.S., according to the Ministry of Health, Labour and […]

Help In The Economy Can Come In Many Ways… For The U.S. In 2013, There Has Been “A Mild Weather Year” Of Epic Proportions

| October 19, 2013

A New Study ranks 2013 as one of the least extreme U.S. weather years ever, with many ‘bad weather’ events at ‘historically low levels’.  This has helped the U.S. economy by sending many commodities to unexpectedly low levels. ‘Whether you’re talking about tornadoes, wildfires, extreme heat or hurricanes, the good news is that weather-related disasters in the […]

Let’s Throw Every One Of Them Out Of Office….It Will take Six Years, But It’s Something That Has To Be Done!

| October 17, 2013

The U.S. Congress, what a bunch of thieven’ bums…. Last night, after more than two weeks of utterly embarrassing theater, the government in the Land of the Entitled inked a deal to kick the can down the road for a few more months. And in doing so, they set a very dangerous precedent. As part of the […]

The U.S. Government Issues New Ben’s

| October 9, 2013

Yep…new $100 dollar bills (notes) started to circulate yesterday.  This project was said to be in development for over 10 years as a joint effort by The Federal Reserve, U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the U.S. Secret Service.  First year production is expected to be around 3.4 billion with print facilities in Washington D.C. and […]

Famous Quotes From Benjamin Franklin

| October 7, 2013

It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it!                                     Benjamin Franklin  

The Interbrand Best Global Brands 14’th Annual Survey Is Out

| October 6, 2013

The Interbrand Best Global Brands survey was recently released, (September 30,2013)……Founded in 1974, Interbrand is the world’s leading brand consultancy! Bloomberg BusinessWeek notes,Coca Cola the soft drink giant had held the No. 1 ranking for 13 consecutive years but fell to No. 3 in this year’s report. Interbrand values the Apple brand #1 at about $98 billion, and other […]

The Big Question We’re Currently Asked About, Relates To The Silk Road Website…Yes, The One That Was Just Taken Down By The FBI…So What Exactly Is Tor, And How Did It Work Anonymously?

| October 4, 2013

Well, Tor seems to be a very deep subject, pun intended…..and in fact we don’t profess to know everything about it, but we’ll try to explain things as best as possible here. Tor was originally an acronym for The Onion Router (TOR),and is free software for enabling online anonymity. Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network consisting […]

Meet The Real Estate Housing Market “Vampire REOs” Where Many Americans Live Mortgage-Free

| October 3, 2013

Zero Hedge is just out with this interesting article concerning the housing markets and what they call artifical price gains. Yeh, we agree, the whole free market system has been rigged in one way or another since 2009. ZeroHedge: Concerning Foreclosure stuffing. We explained this scheme by banks to limit the amount of available for sale […]

The BitCoin Model Is Being Challenged By A Huge Federal Bust Of Anonymous Internet Kingpin Silk Road Website And Owner

| October 2, 2013

Reuters reports: U.S. law enforcement authorities raided an Internet site that served as a marketplace for illegal drugs, including heroin and cocaine, and arrested its owner, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Wednesday. The FBI arrested Ross William Ulbricht, known as “Dread Pirate Roberts,” in San Francisco on Tuesday, according to court filings. Federal […]

Housing “Recovery” Showing New Cracks, This One Will Expand!

| October 2, 2013

Wise Dog Sources: “We know from experience that if Carlyle Group is a seller (of anything), then you’ll want to be a seller also.  Yes, they are that good.”   “They buy wholesale, and sell retail or above. There’s no meat left on the bone when they’re done!” Via Bloomberg, Carlyle Group LP, the private-equity firm with more […]

Computer Security Firm McAfee Warns Of ObamaCare Phishing Scams

| October 1, 2013

Pay attention class, there will be a quiz on this! Security firm McAfee warned Tuesday that hackers are likely to take advantage of the rollout of ObamaCare exchanges this week by launching phishing attacks aimed at stealing personal information. Phishing attacks are designed to dupe users into revealing credit-card numbers or other confidential data by […]

“Trust” Is Fading Into The Sunset

| October 1, 2013

Yikes… heading down hill with no brakes!

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