| October 28, 2013
JP Morgan has a report out that is reviewed in part below. Everybody should take time to read it. The economy is being stimulated with excess liquidity like never before in history. When it slows or stops, we will have a Stanely Druckenmiller event, i.e., Druckenmiller said recently (September 11)….that financial markets could readjust to lower priced levels instantaneously upon changes in Fed […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Finance, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, National Security, Pictures, Wall Street, World News |
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Tags: bank loans, Druckenmiller Event, Events, Excesses, Global M2, Liquidity, M2, Magnitude, Money Supply, musical chairs, Report, Trillions | October 5, 2010
October 5, 2010  The game of musical chairs is played with more than one entrant. The players have to focus on the whole group. Contestants gauge their positions as they go around and around. Only when the music stops is the outcome known.  In the US, many investors tend to focus on our […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
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Tags: musical chairs