Financial Musical Chairs… But When The Music Stops, Who Will Have A Seat?

| October 28, 2013

JP Morgan has a report out that is reviewed in part below. Everybody should take time to read it.  The economy is being stimulated with excess liquidity like never before in history. When it slows or stops, we will have a Stanely Druckenmiller event, i.e., Druckenmiller said recently (September 11)….that financial markets could readjust to lower priced levels instantaneously upon changes in Fed […]

What If It Was True….Dream On My Friend! It’s All Spin

| July 6, 2011

This from the great Art Cashin on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange……Art digs into this subject headline.  “Borrowing by small U.S. businesses rose at a record pace in May”, according to data, a sign that economic growth is poised to pick up in coming months…..the insinuation is that the government and big […]

Household Debt Accelerating Once Again, But At A Much Slower Pace Then Before!

| March 19, 2011

Defaults have lopped $822 billion off U.S. household debt since mid-2008!  These loans were not payed off, but it looks that way with many of the statistics….. One of the puzzles of the recovery has been how U.S. households have managed to shed some $658 billion in mortgage, credit-card and other consumer debt over the past two and a […]

One Problem Leads Us To Another………….

| July 23, 2009

Through March of 2009, banks had taken only $1.1 trillion in write- downs to date. Even the most conservative estimates put total credit losses at $2.2 trillion. Tilson and Tongue make a convincing case that the losses will be far worse than that – more like $3.8 trillion. And these numbers have only grown over time.  […]

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