Sunday Evening…Wikileaks Phase 3 Just Announced

| October 30, 2016

Heads Up … On Sunday night, Wikileaks tweeted that it would launch “phase 3 of our US election coverage” in the coming week.  “We commence phase 3 of our US election coverage next week.  As the Hill noted, Wiki did not provide information about what the third phase entails or if there are still more […]

FBI Obtains Warrant To Search Huma Abedin’s Emails

| October 30, 2016

Well, that sure didn’t take long!  At the same time the FBI confirms it obtained a warrant for emails related to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid was piling up the mud, saying Comey may have violated the Hatch Act, which bars government officials from using their authority to influence elections.  While we […]

A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents Caused FBI Director Comey To Revive Hillary Clinton’s Handling Of Classified Material Case

| October 30, 2016

Conspiracy theories have swirled in recent days as to why FBI Director James Comey reopened Hillary’s email investigation after just closing it back in July concluding that, although Hillary had demonstrated gross negligence in her establishment of a private email server, that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case against her.  Democrats, after lavishing Comey […]

WSJ Says 650,000 Emails Found On Anthony Weiner’s Laptop: FBI Expects “Weeks Of Work Ahead”

| October 30, 2016

You can’t make this stuff up folks … if wikileaks is right, and computer hackers’ anonymous and kim dotcom says they are, all 33,000 of the lost Hillary Clinton emails are due to be released by Tuesday, November 1, 2016.     Four days ago, kim dotcom released a tweet, sent it to Trump, to […]

Listen Up Class, There Will Be A Quiz On This … Important Advice From Edward Snowden…It’s All About Your Privacy Being Compromised

| October 29, 2016

WARNING FLASH … Don’t use Google App Allo Google Allo, the new “smart” chat app launched on Wednesday, September 21 is ‘dangerous’ and should be avoided, according to whistle blower Edward Snowden, because it will “record every message you ever send and make it available to police upon request.” Edward Snowden ✔@Snowden What is #Allo? […]

Artificial Intelligence Poll Shows Trump Ahead! But What Does A Computer Know?

| October 28, 2016

So, maybe there’s a rational reason for Trump not spending huge amounts on TV advertising. No doubt, if Trump wins, it will clearly be because of SOCIAL MEDIA. An artificial intelligence (AI) system that correctly predicted the last three U.S. presidential elections puts Republican nominee Donald Trump ahead of Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the […]

The Non Profit Foundation Poster Child – How A Rigged System Works

| October 26, 2016

There needs to be a new law that requires non profit operations to give 50% or more of the donations to charities or lose their non profit statis, that would seem fair, wouldn’t it? But good luck on that one. Instead many if not most non profit organizations are set up to unfairly benefit its […]

Norwegian Nuclear Research Reactor Leaks Radioactive Iodine, Causes Emergency Evacuation From Facility

| October 25, 2016

Norwegian authorities reported that a radioactive leak had taken place at a nuclear research reactor in southern Norway. The reactor at the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) in Halden leaked radioactive iodine, the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) said. Those working at the reactor at the time of the discharge on Monday were evacuated from […]

Russia’s Big Bullet

| October 25, 2016

It looks like the rearmament between the United States and Russia has started…rest assured that the U.S. has something similar. Here is a picture of the Russian Sarmat ICBM due to be ready by 2018. Russia has revealed photos of a new highly advanced liquid fueled heavy ICBM capable of evading anti-missile defenses and hitting […]

State Tax Revenues Are Heading Down, Indicating Early Signs Of Trouble For State Budgets

| October 16, 2016

This is bad news for state governments …

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