A Very Interesting Story…..It Involves The Rusian FSB (Successor To KGB), Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Dominque Strauss-Kahn Of The IMF, And The United States CIA.

| May 31, 2011

Read this story with a strong sense of doubt.  Question each motive and the why and by whom.  Then remember what you read just in case it turns out to be right! There are stories out and about, and some even seem believable as they challenge the logic that there isn’t much gold in Fort Knox. To the practical effects on the global economy, should […]

U.S. House Rejects Increase In Debt Ceiling To $16.7 Trillion

| May 31, 2011

The answer is NO….In a symbolic vote, House GOP leaders voted against a debt ceiling increase of $2.4 trillion to a new ceiling of $16.7 trillion….the final roll call: Nay (Republicans 236, Democrats 82), total: 318 Yea (Republicans 0, Democrats 97), total: 97 Not Voting (Republicans 3; Democrats 6); 9  www.zerohedge.com

Millionaires Control 39% of the World’s Wealth!

| May 31, 2011

From the Wall Street Journal.  These are ridiculous numbers, no society can operate for long with so such concentrated wealth, this will have to change…….The world’s millionaires represent 0.9% of the world’s population but control 39% of the world’s wealth, up from 37% in 2009. Those with $5 million or more represent 0.1% of the […]

Food Stamp Usage Hits New All Time High

| May 31, 2011

An all time record new high……44.199 million people on food stamps and counting, during an economic recovery!  Geez   Courtesy of John Lohman

Chinesse Food Prices Soaring Because Of Worst Drought In 50 Years

| May 31, 2011

“The impacts of China’s worst drought in 50 years have been served up on the nation’s dining tables as the price of rice and vegetables from drought-hit provinces have skyrocketed. The average price of staple foods in 50 cities has increased significantly, and the price of some leaf vegetables has jumped 16 percent in one […]

Cyber Combat: Pentagon Says Can Be An Act of War

| May 30, 2011

Could computer hackers take down the world financial system and other critical infrastructure, or start a world war….it’s an interesting question.  This from the Wall Street Journal: WASHINGTON—The Pentagon has concluded that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war, a finding that for the first time opens the door for […]

Robert Reich: The Truth About The American Economy

| May 30, 2011

Robert Reich is a well qualified guy……we agree with most everything he says, politics aside to stay objective of course!  Reich: During the Great Prosperity the American middle class saved about 9 percent of their after-tax incomes each year.  By 2008, Americans saved nothing, and the typical American owed 138 percent of their after-tax income.  The fundamental […]

Mark Mobius Of Templeton “There Is Definitely Going To Be Another Financial Crisis”

| May 30, 2011

We’ve had some very smart people talk pointedly about this lately…..In an almost verbatim repeat of Carl Icahn’s words of caution which were noted recently, Templeton’s legendary chairman Mark Mobius said that “another financial crisis is inevitable because the causes of the previous one haven’t been resolved.”  And we would venture, that’s official! The total value of […]

Kirk Sorensen: Thorium Could Be Our Nuclear Energy “Silver Bullet”…. FINANCIAL SENSE NEWS HOUR

| May 30, 2011

Click Here: Kirk Sorensen: Thorium Could Be Our Energy “Silver Bullet” | FINANCIAL SENSE.

Germany To Go Nuclear-Free by 2022

| May 30, 2011

Nuclear free Germany….We’ll believe it when we see it.  This may take many twists and turns before 2022!  Thorium anyone?   So, Germany rids themselves of nuclear power by 2022, but their surrounding neighbors don’t follow.  Germany would still suffer consequences concerning any nuclear reactor meltdown else where in Europe, and there are a lot of nuclear power plants […]

How Does The U.S. Congress Stack Up In Terms Of Personal Wealth?

| May 29, 2011

Poor babies!  The data is before Edward Kennedy died, but still relevant!

Sometimes A Picture Is Worth A Million Words Or (Dollars) In This Case!

| May 29, 2011

Iran Vows To Unplug Internet

| May 29, 2011

From The Wall Street Journal Iran is taking steps toward an aggressive new form of censorship: a so-called national Internet that could, in effect, disconnect Iranian cyberspace from the rest of the world. The leadership in Iran sees the project as a way to end the fight for control of the Internet, according to observers […]

Can Greece Take Down All Of Europe? Well, They’re Going To Try…

| May 29, 2011

Dvid Kotak: Greece is about to blow up.  Black butterfly fear plagues the Eurozone’s banking system.  Can Greece take down all of Europe!  Well, they’re going to try.    We like this part of the review below, Will Roger’s old adage applies: “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”  Cumberland Advisors Les Papillons Noirs […]

The Interesting Case For Thorium Nuclear Power

| May 28, 2011

Hmm….an interesting concept.  Thorium has numerous innate advantages. One is that it doesn’t produce weaponizable byproducts, but it’s also true that the nature of the metal is such that it produces safer reactors. It burns at a lower temperature, and there’s also a great deal of it around.  The thing to remember is that thorium […]

A Look At The Coming 6-Year Cycle Peak On Wall Street

| May 28, 2011

 The road ahead is getting narrower by the day! A Look at the Coming 6-Year Cycle Peak By: Clif Droke The year 2011 to date has seen its share of ups and downs in the financial market, yet nothing like the volatility of 2010 has made its appearance.  With an important long-term yearly cycle scheduled […]

Time Is Winding Down On The World To Get Its House In Order….The Consequences Are Reviewed Below By Jim Sinclair

| May 28, 2011

Jim’s dad traded with Jessie Livermore, the most famous of all stock traders, so we would venture that Jim Sinclair knows a thing or two about trading himself.  In fact he may well be the most successful Gold trader of all time! The risk of not stimulating is stagflation at a spiritual level. The risk of […]

Here Is A Real Problem, Food Prices….And It’s Not Going Away Anytime Soon!

| May 27, 2011

There will be riots around the world if bad weather continues to dilute food crops.  This has the potential to be a world wide problem as spring turns to summer.  The realization will come by fall if farm harvests turn to dust in the wind !  So, what happens if we have a decent harvest?….Aah then consider us to be lucky and food inflation may be […]

Staving Off Bankruptcy With Drastic Measures On The One Hand….Unsustainable Debt On The Other Hand

| May 26, 2011

Drastic cuts in expenditures would put the world, not just the U.S. in the mother of all depressions!  The U.S. is in what we would call a “Pickle”, come to think of it so is Europe.  Can’t win no matter what!  So what happens then…hopefully we muddle along until the next financial crisis comes along, […]

New Thoughts From PIMCO’s Mohamed El-Erian – Says Engage In “Constructive Paranoia”

| May 26, 2011

Here are some of his key points….Policymakers have embraced initiatives designed to boost asset prices, divorcing them from economic fundamentals.   The impact on Main Street has fallen well short of expectations. Interest rates have been repressed. The dollar has also seriously weakened. The net effect has been a double edged sword. “Good” asset price inflation has […]

Bloomberg: $80 Billion Secretive Fed “Bank Subsidy” Program, Providing Bank Loans At 0.01% Interest

| May 26, 2011

Does anyone really doubt that the markets (Bonds,Stocks and Real Estate) are not an artificial rig job!  In the past that wasn’t the case.  But times have changed.  We guess desperate times call for desperate measures.  Hmm.  So here it is again: a secret bailout program used to “rip” the peasantry by the entitled kleptocrats, which nobody thought would […]

Michael Pento From Europacific Capital….Interviewed By King World News

| May 25, 2011

From King World News……Michael Pento Of Europacific Capital…non-financial debt as a percentage of GDP is now 244%, it has never been higher!  QE2 is done, if interest rates rise it’s game over.  “I just want to highlight some things that Jim Bullard said (President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve):  You have to remember that he […]

U.S. ‘Dark Forces’ Are Fighting Financial Reform Geithner Says

| May 25, 2011

We’ll give you one guess on who these “Dark Forces’ are…..yep, one guess.  If you said it’s the too big to fail banks or financial institutions, indirectly (through political lobbyists) then you’re guess is in agreement with our guess, and you get a brownie button! Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said “dark forces” are waging a “war of […]

U.S. Home Prices Fell 5.5% In First Quarter, Most in Almost 2 Years

| May 25, 2011

So…what happened to all of the buyers….Auh,  looks like they must have figured it out, smartened up, that the government was manipulating and artificially maintaining the markets higher with low interest rates and first time buyer credits along with Fannie Mae lost leader loans, etc. and through the puppet strings of the banks that are given privileged favors from the […]

Gene Inger Checks In With This Insightful Report Tonight

| May 24, 2011

From good friend Gene Inger, publisher of The Inger Letter……..since 1969!   Interestingly the ‘magnetic field’ has shifted further than ever for a 20 year period; and that’s why the North Pole moved to Siberia. Yes all globes are actually wrong now.  We might add the South Pole has moved too.  Don’t think this doesn’t matter […]

Severe Weather Is Hitting U.S. Midwest And East

| May 24, 2011

We have talked about this weather problem since back in January….reciting from the Clif High report  “The Shape Of Things To Come.”  Clif said there would be summer tornadoes with hurricane force and at least 4 large earthquakes in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere that are due before year end and volcano eruptions too, along with major fires in […]

Iceland Volcanic Ash Drifts Toward U.K., Disrupts Air Traffic

| May 23, 2011

Ash covered small towns on Iceland’s southeast coast immediately following the eruption. On May 22 a dark cloud of ash reached Reykjavik, prompting city officials to warn people with asthma or other breathing disorders to stay indoors. “Everything is pitch-black,” Gudmundur Vignir Steinsson, a gas-station owner in Kirkjubaejarklaustur, about 75 kilometers from the volcano, said […]

Tepco Confirms Meltdown of Reactors #1, then #2 and #3

| May 23, 2011

This shouldn’t be news to the readers of TheStatedTruth.com as we broke the original story early on.  Tokyo  Electric Power Co. confirmed a meltdown of fuel rods in two more reactors at its Fukushima nuclear plant, which has been emitting radiation since an earthquake and tsunami knocked out power and cooling systems. Fuel rods in the […]

This Is Likely What Happens When Greece Defaults

| May 23, 2011

A giant predicament for Europe with NO possible good outcome! By Andrew Lilico It is when, not if. Financial markets merely aren’t sure whether it’ll be tomorrow, a month’s time, a year’s time, or two years’ time (it won’t be longer than that). Given that the ECB has played the “final card” it employed to […]

Question Of The Day: Could You Come Up With $2,000 Cash In 30 Days?

| May 23, 2011

So, what does this report say about the U.S. middle class consumers?  Yep….They’re broke without a credit card handy!  Unbelievable. Only 24.9% of U.S. citizens could definitely come up with $2000 if they needed to in 30 days, according to a new paper from the (NBER) National Bureau of Economic Research (via WSJ.com).Another 25.1% said they […]

Tornadoes Hit 16 Counties In Kansas Then Hits Southwest Missouri

| May 22, 2011

April set a new U.S. record with over 600 tornadoes breaking the old April record of 267 tornadoes in 1974.  The  monthly all time record of 542 tornadoes was set in May 2003 and was also broken in April 2011.  Clif High in a recent report (The Shape Of Things To Come) said to expect unusual hurricane force tornadoes […]

Hard To Believe, But…..

| May 22, 2011

The American Petroleum Institute just released figures for April,  and reported U.S. fuel consumption rose by 5.2% compared to one year earlier.   Hmm, guess the higher the price, the more we drive….NOT

Q&A With Jim Grant Of Grants Interest Rate Observer

| May 22, 2011

One has to respect Jim Grant’s views….we couldn’t have said it better ourselves! From AP: A graduate of Indiana University, Grant, 64, was a Navy gunner’s mate before starting his journalism career at the Baltimore Sun in 1972. He then joined the financial weekly Barron’s before starting Grant’s Interest Rate Observer in 1983. As stocks […]

The Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) Calls For A Global Slowdown By Summer

| May 21, 2011

Lakshman Achuthan, founder and managing director of the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI), is calling for a slowdown in global economic growth by this summer. Based on our Long Leading Index of global industrial growth, we expect a downturn to start by summer. Beforehand, prominent shorter-leading indicators of industrial growth, like JoC-ECRI industrial commodity price […]

Words From A Wise Old Owl…

| May 21, 2011

Our society is changing, so maybe we need to pay attention to this……..says Knox College psychologist Tim Kasser, author of “The High Price of Materialism.”   Recognize the real benefits of wealth — freedom and flexibility — and don’t let the pursuit of its illusory trappings interfere with your ability to reap those rewards. Debt is slavery: “The […]

U.S. Debt And The Presidents Responsible

| May 21, 2011

So now you know!

China Becomes World’s Largest Gold Buyer – Buys 93.5 Tonnes of Gold Coins / Bars in Q1

| May 20, 2011

China and India Gold Ownership Rising From Miniscule Levels

Treasury Secretary Geithner Says New Financial Crisis Coming, But We Won’t Know When Until It Happens

| May 19, 2011

All we can say is speak for yourself big guy…..the average American was led over a cliff by the Big Banks (too big to fail), the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Government which was chasing growth at any cost.  And they still are!     Geithner, in early 2009 succeeded Paulson as treasury secretary.   Geithner:  In […]

Here Is What’s Developing In Spain Right Now

| May 19, 2011

There is a crisis going on in Europe….and it’s getting worse by the day!   Protests have been raging in Spain since Sunday, May 15. The one we’ve been seeing pictures of is in Madrid, in the famous Puerta del Sol. But there were protests in 60 different locations on Sunday, and they’re still raging […]

The Hundred Year Flood Has Now Happened (3) Times Since 1927

| May 19, 2011

Vicksburg has seen the worst of the floods with the Mississippi River’s height swelling to 56.3 feet at its highest point, eclipsing the record set in 1927. Employees at Dirt Works, Inc, a cement production business in South Vicksburg, built a makeshift levee to protect the business but it burst on Monday. The Yazoo River’s […]

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