| November 8, 2011
No, we didn’t make this up….really, who could even have dreamed up such a thing? From Art Cashin on the floor of The New York Stock Exchange: There are new reports of earth tremors around the El Hierro volcano in the Canary Islands. As you probably recall, El Hierro is located on a very unusual […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Weather, World News |
Tags: Bad Weather, El Hierro, volcano | May 24, 2011
We have talked about this weather problem since back in January….reciting from the Clif High report  “The Shape Of Things To Come.”  Clif said there would be summer tornadoes with hurricane force and at least 4 large earthquakes in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere that are due before year end and volcano eruptions too, along with major fires in […]
Category: Commentary, National News, Weather |
Tags: Bad Weather, Severe Weather, Storms