| December 1, 2013
Challengers to Bitcoin are popping up on the street. Bitcoins value topped out at $ 1,163 a few days ago but trades now at $941.03. Ripple and Litecoin are challenging Bitcoin for the digital currency bussiness and Canada’s government project Mintchip is close behind. Read about it here: (The Canadian Mint Is Working On A New Digital Money Project […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Technology, Tid Bits, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Digital currencies, Digital money;, gold, Government, Litecoin, Money, Money In Digital Form, New Digital Currencies, Ripple Digital Currecy, silver | November 25, 2013
Op-Ed The Stated Truth Elitist Defeatism Of Real Competition In A Slow Growth World For markets to grow in a capitalist society, it is imperative to have high levels of competition. The more competition the better. This helps innovation and has been the backbone of our economy over the last 102 years or to be […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, Inspirational, National News, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Research, Technology, Tid Bits, Uncategorized, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Anti Trust, Baby Bells, Bucketeers, Competition, Corporations, Credits, Elitist, Finanacial Crisis, Growth, Money, Monopoly, New World, Risk takers, Sherman Act of 1890, Stated truth, Tax Credits, Tax Incentives, The Stated, Too Big To Fail | November 4, 2013
Here we go, it’s the roaring 20’s all over again but even more so now! Never in U.S. history have so many individuals earned over $50 million per year. Never before has the divide between the wealthy and the poor been so wide (never). The source of this catalyst for unrest in society, as Mark […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Personal Net Worth, Pictures, Research, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Americans Making Over $50 Million, Artificial Disparities, Catalyst, Economy, Least Privileged, Money, Poor Man, redistribution, Rich man, Roaring 20's, Runaway Entrepreneurial capitalusm, Society, Top Income Earners, Unrest, Wealth | October 31, 2013
If you look back in history, it took the United States 192 years to rack-up $1 trillion of debt. Then, the next $1 trillion of debt took only 30 years. Astonishingly, now we are going through $1 trillion each year. Source: Wise Dog Research
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Tid Bits, World News |
1 Comment »
Tags: Borrowed Money, Cash, debt, Money, tid bits, Trillion Dollars | October 27, 2013
Never before has the world seen such disparity of wealth between rich and everyone else. Out comes the pen and off goes another letter to our worthless Congress. Will they even read it? John Maudlin, in his new book Code Red, (to be released on Monday, Oct. 28) reviewed the latest key figures concerning record wealth disparity, and it’s a […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Real Estate, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: assets, Balances, Code Red, Disparity, Extinction, Financial assets, Global Household Wealth, Global Wealth, Millennium, millionaires, Money, Never Befor seen, Poor, Rich man, Wealth | October 9, 2013
Yep…new $100 dollar bills (notes) started to circulate yesterday. This project was said to be in development for over 10 years as a joint effort by The Federal Reserve, U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the U.S. Secret Service. First year production is expected to be around 3.4 billion with print facilities in Washington D.C. and […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, National Security, Pictures, Tid Bits, Uncategorized, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Features, Lots Of Xtras, Money, New ben's, New Money, Pay, spend, U.S. New $100 Doallr Bills, Updated Ben Franklin | September 12, 2013
“Wise Dog” sources say the new normal in money has started a change from paper to plastic! The reason being that after initial increased costs, the extra durability of the notes would mean they would last longer. Canada has already adopted the polymer banknote because it’s cheaper to issue then paper notes. Other countries paying with plastic include: Australia was […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Pictures, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Money, Notes, Paying With Plastic, Plastic Bank Notes, Polymer money, Wise Dog Sources | August 6, 2013
What this means is that money is not being circulated through the system, instead it is parked in things that don’t ecourage growth in the economy. Velocity of Money is now at all time lows. Here is how to explain it: The velocity of money (also called velocity of circulation and, much earlier, currency) is the average frequency with […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: circulation, Dead In The Water, Economy Growth, Money, Money Parked, Movement, Velocity | April 23, 2013
It’s now a rich mans world, but it wasn’t always this way! As the Pew Research Center finds, during the first two years of the US economic ‘recovery’, the mean net worth of households in the upper 7% of the wealth distribution rose by an estimated 28%, while the mean net worth of households in the lower 93% […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Wall Street |
1 Comment »
Tags: Money, More, Rich, stocks, Wealth | March 8, 2013
Hmm….the average working age person has only about $79,651 saved up for retirement. That works out to about $416 per mounth of retirement payout if retiring at age 62. ICI recently released their retirement plan data through Q3 of 2012. The chart of the day shows the real (inflation adjusted) total retirement market assets per working age citizen […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street |
Tags: Data, Money, Payouts Assets Chart of the Day, retirement, Saved | February 20, 2013
Interesting tid bit’s….. Pennies and nickels have cost more than their face value to mint since 2006……and Since 2012, the penny has cost almost 2 cents to make and the nickel more than 10 cents, according to the U.S. Mint’s annual report released in January. Those prices have almost doubled over the past seven years. But if you […]
Category: Commentary, Gold and Silver, National News, Uncategorized |
1 Comment »
Tags: Cents 5 Cents, Money, Nickels, Penney For Your Thought | December 9, 2012
How about that! Just over a mind-boggling 50 million Americans are living in absolute poverty while collecting the $134.29 average monthly benefit per person. Here’s a fictitious account of how food stamp day might go……..No time to work just got hooked up for some free money, gotta go wait in that long food stamp line, it goes down the […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Cash, food stamps, Free Money, Money, No Job, Unemployed | November 15, 2012
This from Bruce Krasting: The Wall Street Journal reports this morning that President Obama is going to ask for $1.6T in new taxes when he speaks on Friday. The only way that this sized tax increase could be accomplished is if the AMT (Alternative Minimun Tax) is indexed to inflation and hits tens of millions of […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Outliers, Wall Street |
Tags: Bruce Krasting, Gone, Hikes, Income, Money, Screwed, taxes, Wipeout | October 27, 2012
Median U.S. household incomes have been stagnant for most of the last twenty years…and falling hard for the last four years. But…..the top 10% and the top 1% earners have risen dramatically!
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street |
Tags: Bad, Income, Lost, Money, Oh No, top earners, Top Income, Wealth | October 17, 2012
This is the Canary in the coal mine for colleges……trade schools get hit first, then private universities, and then state colleges and universities. The big growth cycle is over for education. The student population is buried in record amounts of student loans and debt, and this will take a long time to work off. A […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Education and Schooling, National News |
Tags: Costs, education, Money, schools, Students | September 25, 2012
Savings….The average American says, what savings? The main reason for the recent surge in consumer “confidence” in September was the near record surge in sentiment for those making $15,000-$25,000, which soared from 43.5 to 62.4 in the month, the most since April 2009. And whether this was due to their forecast of the future, and expectation […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, Personal Net Worth |
Tags: Earned, High Earners, Low Income, Money, net worth, retirement, Savings, Top 1% | June 11, 2012
Fed Says U.S. Wealth Fell 38.8% in 2007-2010 because of Housing….Duh! The financial crisis wiped out 18 years of gains for the median U.S. household net worth, with a 38.8 percent plunge from 2007 to 2010 that was led by the collapse in home prices, a Federal Reserve study showed. Median net worth declined to $77,300 in […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Personal Net Worth, Real Estate, Wall Street |
Tags: Investment, Lost, Money, Poor, Rich, Wealth | May 5, 2012
There she goes….the penny is dead in Canada. So, now the old saying of “a penny for your thoughts”, will be…”a nickel for your thoughts”! Canada minted its final penny today as Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said the coin was too expensive to produce and no longer needed for business. “The real issue was that people […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News |
Tags: Cents, Money, Penny | March 19, 2012
We want the red line to be below the black one…or we’re in trouble. But as everyone can see, the red line looks like a bean stalk and is growing to the sky!
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Bad Seats Hey Buddy, debt, Money, Tax Revenue | March 7, 2012
They got to be kidding….nope, consumer credit rose $17.8 billion in the latest monthly data, on expectations of $10.5 while non-revolving credit, i.e., auto and mostly student debt rose $20.723 billion and had the highest sequential jump in this category ever! Yes EVER! At the same time…after tax incomes fell for the second time in three months after adjustments, according […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Education and Schooling, National News |
Tags: Borrowing, education, Free Money, Loans, Money, Students | February 10, 2012
So, Governor Brown, what happened to the big recovery you were expecting…and how about the giant consumer spending binge of the last two months fueled mostly on credit……just asking? This is a disaster to the state budget. Spending up as reflected in sales taxes, while income is down, relected in income taxes. California collected $528 million less in […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: California, Collections, Money, monopoly money, spending, taxes | January 24, 2012
Apple is the American success story of the century. This is one large pile of cash! After generating $37.9 billion in cash, short and long-term equivalents in 2011, and a record $16 billion in Q4 alone (of which $11.8 billion in Long-Term Marketable Securities). The company’s total cash and equivalents horde is now just shy of […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Technology, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Apple Pile, Cash, Money | November 30, 2011
From PIMCO cofounder Mohamed El-Erian: The coordinated action “lowers the cost of emergency funding and increases the scope,” Central banks “are seeing something in the functioning of the banking system that worries them”. Six central banks led by the Federal Reserve made it cheaper for banks to borrow dollars in emergencies in a global effort to […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Financial Save, Kick The Can, Money, Save The world, Wipeout | May 23, 2011
So, what does this report say about the U.S. middle class consumers? Yep….They’re broke without a credit card handy! Unbelievable. Only 24.9% of U.S. citizens could definitely come up with $2000 if they needed to in 30 days, according to a new paper from the (NBER) National Bureau of Economic Research (via 25.1% said they […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Cash, Emergency Money, Money, Short Order Money