| September 1, 2017
This chart shows that the majority of income growth is now concentrated in the top 1/0th of 1%, and most of what’s left over has gone to the top 5%. This is the only possible outcome of financialization and central-bank inflated asset bubbles.
Category: National News, Personal Net Worth, Technology, Wall Street |
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Tags: Bubble, Financial Bubble, High Income, Inequity Bubble, Low Income, Stats | September 25, 2012
Savings….The average American says, what savings? The main reason for the recent surge in consumer “confidence” in September was the near record surge in sentiment for those making $15,000-$25,000, which soared from 43.5 to 62.4 in the month, the most since April 2009. And whether this was due to their forecast of the future, and expectation […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, Personal Net Worth |
Tags: Earned, High Earners, Low Income, Money, net worth, retirement, Savings, Top 1%