| January 17, 2016
Just 62 people now own the same wealth as half the world’s population. In 2011 388 people had the same wealth as the poorest half of humanity. In 2011 this fell to 177. The number has continued to fall each year to 80 in 2014 and 62 in 2015. Sources: Oxfam
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street, World News |
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Tags: Bad Equality, Economic Disaster, Global Wealth, Poor Man, Rich man, The Top 1% | October 27, 2013
Never before has the world seen such disparity of wealth between rich and everyone else. Out comes the pen and off goes another letter to our worthless Congress. Will they even read it? John Maudlin, in his new book Code Red, (to be released on Monday, Oct. 28) reviewed the latest key figures concerning record wealth disparity, and it’s a […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Real Estate, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: assets, Balances, Code Red, Disparity, Extinction, Financial assets, Global Household Wealth, Global Wealth, Millennium, millionaires, Money, Never Befor seen, Poor, Rich man, Wealth | June 4, 2011
This is the global wealth pyramid……in U.S. dollars. Basically only 8% of the WORLD population has $100,000 dollars or more of net worth! Put another way, 92% of the world population has less then $100,000 in total wealth.Â
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street |
Tags: Global Wealth, monopoly money, Pyramid Of Money, Wealth Effect