The Billionaire Quagmire – Rich Man, Poor Man

| January 22, 2018

In 2017 the world’s richest 1% raked in 82% of the wealth created last year while the poorest half of the population received none, Separately, chief executives of the top five global fashion brands made in just four days what garment workers in Bangladesh earn over a lifetime.

Rich Man, Poor Man … It’s A Bad Wind Blowing

| January 17, 2016

Just 62 people now own the same wealth as half the world’s population.   In 2011 388 people had the same wealth as the poorest half of humanity. In 2011 this fell to 177. The number has continued to fall each year to 80 in 2014 and 62 in 2015.   Sources: Oxfam

The Rich, And Everybody Else

| March 21, 2014

It’s no secret that the rich are only getting richer, and everyone else is heading the other way. At some point, the rich will sink their boat.  Just a matter of time!  So….The U.S. Income Gap has now soared to the widest gap since the “Roaring 20’s”.  Yep, 10% of the population now make over 50% of all earned income! […]

This Is What Will Take Down The World, Mark Our Words, It Sets Up An Unwelcome Outcome… Guar·an·teed..

| January 23, 2014

A Great Awakening Is Coming….. Currently the 85 richest people in the world have about as much wealth as the poorest 50% of the entire global population does.  In other words, 85 extremely wealthy individuals have about as much wealth as the poorest 3,500,000,000 do. Just as wrong is the fact that  according to Oxfam, the richest one […]

Meet the 0.0001% – 166 Americans Who Made Over $50 Million In 2012

| November 4, 2013

Here we go, it’s the roaring 20’s all over again but even more so now!  Never in U.S. history have so many individuals earned over $50 million per year. Never before has the divide between the wealthy and the poor been so wide (never). The source of this catalyst for unrest in society, as Mark […]

Rich Man, Poor Man….How Do We Fix It?

| November 4, 2013

Back on October 27 we did a report on the worlds wealth pyramid titled A Travesty Of Grandiose Proportions (click the blue lettering to review).  The report discusssed the great disconnect in the world today between the wealth of the super rich and everyone else. Now, in todays review, we are going to touch on income extremes, with hopes […]

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