Mapping Purchasing Power Disparity Of $100 In Each US State

| September 9, 2024

Arkansas is the best state for purchasing power, California the worst. his map, via Visual Capitalist’s Bruno Venditti, illustrates the purchasing power of $100 by state, using data from GOBankingRates compiled as of February 19, 2024. Methodology GOBankingRates compiled data from the 2022 Regional Price Parities reoporting by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Affairs. It then used factors such as […]

A Compound Discovered On Easter Island Extends Life, Combats Alzheimer’s

| April 29, 2024

Interesting article…   MONDAY, APR 29, 2024 – 02:00 AM Authored by Flora Zhao via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Scientists are still uncovering the secrets of a compound discovered 50 years ago on Easter Island. Produced by bacteria there, rapamycin appears to be a powerful life-extender and may be a transformative treatment for age-related diseases. (Illustration […]

The Countries With The Most Satellites In Space

| May 7, 2023

The United States leads the way … not surprising to us! SATURDAY, MAY 06, 2023 – 08:00 PM The race for space has started anew as a flurry of private and government projects are once again reaching for humanity’s last frontier. In April, Gen. Chance Saltzman of the U.S. Space Force said that the new level […]

A New Gene Discovered In Georgia Sewer System Is Resistant To The World’s Most Important Antibiotics

| January 15, 2022

This is scary stuff… “MCR can be spread through global travel and the import of foods from other countries. Results of the CFS study prove that the U.S. is no less susceptible to the threat than other nations around the world,” the researchers said. “If we don’t tackle it right now, we are jeopardizing human […]

The 5 Most Valuable — and 5 Least Valuable — College Majors

| October 4, 2021

If you are looking to get the best return on your investment in a college degree, you may want to consider a major in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.   Top 5 STEM degrees dominated the top of the rankings. It’s an area of study that’s already been gaining popularity. In fact, […]

Who Are They Kidding?

| February 25, 2021

Congressional approval hits 35% and everyone celebrates. They got to be kidding!  

Say What? A Parallel Universe Where Time Flows Backwards…No, They’re Not Kidding

| May 21, 2020

A new discovery in Antarctica has caused a stir in scientific circles as possibly representing the first tangible physical evidence of a parallel universe. Scientists Discover Evidence of Parallel Universe Where Time Flows Backwards JAKE ANDERSON (TMU) – The existence of parallel universes sounds like science fiction, but over the years a number of prominent physicists have come […]

2020: The Lowest Solar Activity In Over 200 Years

| January 14, 2020

Authored by Mac Slavo via, Predictions for solar cycle #25 made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), NASA and the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) anticipate a deep minimum and a maximum that will occur between the years 2023 and 2026. During that maximum, they predict the Sun will have between 95 and 130 sunspots. *  *  * […]

Doctors Have Officially Frozen And Reanimated A Human Being For The First Time

| November 24, 2019

One of the biggest problems with exploring the furthest reaches of space is the sheer time scale involved. Without a breakthrough in physics that would allow human beings to enter a state of suspended animation (or faster than light travel), it wouldn’t be possible. But now, it looks like doctors have made progress with actually […]

Big Data Never Sleeps

| July 21, 2019

The Data Explosion, by Source Today’s infographic comes to us from Domo, and it shows the amount of new data generated each minute through several different platforms and technologies. Sources:

Wealthy Millennials Are Now Moving To These States

| June 13, 2019

This makes sense, until a big earthquake hits the U.S. west coast. According to a new SmartAsset study, wealthy millennials are moving to the coasts, but the Northeast isn’t one of them. We defined millennials as people under the age of 35 and looked specifically at millennials with adjusted gross incomes (AGI) of at least $100,000. To determine […]

5G Cell Phones – Do We Really Need The Extra Radiation?

| May 5, 2019

Advancement in technology isn’t always for the better. It would appear that 5G radiofrequency has many health risks, along with other draw backs. 5G radiofrequency (RF) radiation uses a ‘cocktail’ of three types of radiation, ranging from relatively low-energy radio waves, microwave radiation with far more energy, and millimeter waves with vastly more energy (see below). […]

A Hacker-Proof Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Network

| January 17, 2019

This is impressive, innovative, and potentially dynamic advanced technology. We are thinking in terms of huge potential in a variety of industries. Is this the next great thing? Time will tell … by Tyler Durden Thursday, 01/17/2019 New Yorkers traveling in the Holland Tunnel, a vehicular tunnel underneath the Hudson River connecting Lower Manhattan and New Jersey, are now discovering that the next […]

Least-Educated State: California No. 1 in Percentage of Residents 25 and Older

| December 20, 2018

Hmm…Massachusetts ranks No. 1 for the percentage of its residents 25 and older—42.1 percent–who have earned at least a bachelor’s degree. ( – California ranks No. 1 among the 50 states for the percentage of its residents 25 and older who have never completed ninth grade and 50th for the percentage who have graduated from […]

Want To Know When You’ll Die? UCLA Scientist Decodes Lifespan

| October 20, 2018

Boy, wouldn’t your life insurance company like to know this! Want to know when you’ll die?  UCLA biostatistician Steve Horvath stumbled across a reliable method of predicting a person’s lifespan based on 300-500 DNA markers which reveal whether someone is aging unusually fast or slowly compared to their chronological age, according to a recent research paper. […]

Want To Save Money, Then Here’s What You Do

| June 22, 2018

By far, getting dinner delivered from a restaurant is the most expensive meal option.  At over $20 per serving on average, a restaurant delivered meal is almost three times as expensive as a meal kit and five times as expensive as cooking at home from scratch. Obviously when you cook at home, you’ll spend more […]

U.S. Nuclear Weapons, Power Plants and Labs

| January 12, 2018

Nuclear warheads are still stored in a number of sites around the continental United States. The map below also highlights laboratories and interstate shipping routes. (Yes, nuclear weapons are apparently shipped in big rigs.)

Biggest Lobbying Groups

| January 11, 2018

Here are the biggest lobbyist movers…

Biggest Breakthroughs of 2017

| December 31, 2017

Here we go…it’s all about the FUTURE…

Millennial Homeownership

| December 16, 2017

Let’s break the map down into a top ten list of the urban areas with the highest rates of millennial homeownership, combined with the average price of their home. A full 42% of the millennials living in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN own their own home, the highest rate in the country. 1. Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI: 42.4% and $222,528 […]

Bitcoin or Gold…Which Would You Take

| December 12, 2017

A recent unscientific poll compares bitcoin to gold…  Ron Paul ✔@RonPaul  A wealthy person wants to gift you $10,000. You get to choose in which form you’ll take the gift. But there’s a catch: You must keep the gift in the form that you choose, and you can’t touch it for 10 years. In which form […]

The Mystery Of The Lost Bitcoin…

| November 30, 2017

Earlier this week, IG Markets chief strategist Chris Weston described bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a  massive influx of retail investors getting into the cryptocurrency as a “mania” fueled by press headlines and fear of missing out. Bitcoin’s exponential 1,000 percent rise this year has captured imaginations and led to warnings of a “bubble.” Its current market […]

Could Bitcoin Mining Consume All The World’s Current Electricity Production By Feb 2020?

| November 24, 2017

This is as interesting as it gets! While Bitcoin Mining is only currently consuming 0.13% of the world’s electricity output, it’s growing incredibly quickly. The Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index estimates consumption has increased by 29.98% over the past month. If that growth rate were to continue, and countries did not add any new power generating capacity, Bitcoin mining would: Be greater […]

First Time Ever, The Top 1% Own More Than Half The World’s Wealth

| November 14, 2017

The top 1% of global wealth holders started the millennium with 45.5% of all household wealth. This share was about the same until 2006, then fell to 42.5% two years later. The downward trend reversed after 2008 and the share of the top one percent has been on an upward path ever since, passing the year […]

Older Workers And Retirement Security

| October 16, 2017

Teresa Ghilarducci is a labor economist at The New School, specializing in retirement security. Here’s what she told the Washington Post last month.  “There is no part of the country where the majority of middle-class older workers have adequate retirement savings to maintain their standard of living in their retirement.” Her research shows even high-income workers haven’t […]

This Is How Wars Are Going To Be Fought In The Future

| October 14, 2017

The UAV (Unmaned Aerial Vehicle) below is one of the most advanced U.S. offensive weapons available for advanced war strategies. It is believed to be a MQ-9 Reaper with a price tag of $10.5 million. The aircraft can stay airborne for up to 36 hours with 1.7 tons of missiles and bombs on board…and there’s […]

1970 Trivia – Cost of Living

| July 3, 2017

Hard to believe, but true…

Trust And Confidence Factors In America Today

| April 9, 2017

The media, big business and congress bring up the rear of the donkey’s ass here! It comes as no surprise to us.

Feeling A Little Nervous … Seems Like A Lot Of Others Might Be Having The Same Or Similar Feelings Too!

| September 25, 2016

This could get contagious …

So Who Really Owns The Internet? The U.S. Says It Does!

| September 13, 2016

                     Internet users in 2012 as a percentage of a country’s population Map Source: International Telecommunications Union The internet originated in the U.S. back in the 1950’s…As we fast forward to the 1990’s we saw a revolution in web users which was triggered in September 1993 by NCSA Mosaic, a graphical browser which […]

Have You Ever Wondered What Are The Most Popular Surnames In You State?

| August 11, 2016

Well here you are…the most popular surnames by state.  Click to enlarge map.   Sources:

It’s Time Not To Get Married!

| October 18, 2015

It seems that the marriage problem isn’t just a Japanese thing. There’s more to it than that. We live in an independent world where everybody wants to do their own thing. And they do! Sources: US Census Bureau,

They’re Called The Princes Of “Rolling Jubilee” (You’ll See Why)….. So Just Who Are These Guys And What Do They Do?

| November 1, 2014

Rolling Jubilee… some say it’s about good vs. evil. But in reality it’s all about money and trying to fix the sales pitch from government and schools directly aimed at students which aggressively encourages student loans, and in the end it’s about fixing the pain of life long encumbrances caused by that sales pitch. The totality of college debt […]

“Project Coast” And EBOLA’s Possible Origination …. You likely Won’t Read About This Anywhere Else!

| October 20, 2014

The following information gives us an interesting perspective on the recent unprecedented Ebola outbreak. Is it an organic natural phenomenon? Did this strain of Ebola accidentally escape from a bioweapons lab? Or, was it deliberately released? Operating out of South Africa during the Apartheid era in the early 1980’s, Dr. Wouter Basson launched a secret bioweapons […]

We Have Here Something Potentially So Big That It Could Change The World!

| September 15, 2014

It’s called Graphene, and it was discovered in 2004, but in an unworkable form. Since then a lot has changed, so you’ll be hearing about this new super substance in the future as it becomes much more workable and its uses grow exponentially! It’s said to be one million times thinner than a human hair, be 200 times stronger than steel and […]

Antarctic Sea Ice Hits New Record High With 2.1million Square Miles Of Ice Above Normal, During Which Time Ice Should Be In Decline!

| July 6, 2014

Maybe their computers are broken… The levels of Antarctic sea-ice last week hit an all-time high – confounding climate change computer models which say it should be in decline. America’s National Snow And Ice Data Center, which is funded by NASA, revealed that ice around the southern continent covers about 10 million miles, which is 1.3 million miles more than […]

It’s Just A Matter Of “Time” Before A Worldwide Cyber Attack Takes Down An Important Part Of The Worlds Economy!

| July 1, 2014

The new normal in computer cyber hacking and attacks will change the way we live at some point going forward. Cyber-spies are especially targeting utility companies all over the world. This will create havoc when it happens. According to Bloomberg, a Russian group of hackers known as “Energetic Bear” is attacking energy companies in the U.S. and […]

Mind Games

| December 27, 2013

Here’s a trick of Doctor Dementia to test your mind skills….   I’ve  seen this done with the letters out of order, but this is the first time  I’ve seen it with numbers. This is a good example of a Brain Study: If you can read this OUT LOUD, you have a strong mind.   And better […]

BitCoin’s Competition Is Coming Like A Heard Of Wild Horses…Hello Chase Bank “Web Cash”

| December 10, 2013

Cryptocurrencies….is the new war cry! It looks like JP Mogan’s Chase Bank has filed for a patent on “Web Cash”…it’s a per-to-per “Internet Pay Anyone (IPA)” account with inherent safeguards built-in.  JP Morgan refers to this as a “Virtual Private Lockbox (VPL)”.  LetsTalkBitcoin noted recently, the “Method and system for processing internet payments using the electronic funds transfer […]

Bitcoin…Is It The Reason Gold Has No Future, Or… Does It Make Gold’s Future Even More Important!

| November 30, 2013

Is Bitcoin the shining light of the future and Gold a buried relic of the past. It sure is looking more and more like that’s the case.  But, maybe not so fast, as there are new plans to create a Gold backed digital currency similar to Bitcoin. This should be interesting, we’ll keep you informed. Governments of the […]

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