| November 2, 2016
Still waiting for Wikileaks launch of “phase 3 of US election coverage”. This supposedly involves the 33,000 missing Clinton email’s dump. Hmm… The next 6 days may well decide the election. This election is like a windy road, with massive switch backs, sheer cliffs, and huge drop offs. Every time Clinton or Trump go over the cliff, […]
Category: Commentary, National News, Tid Bits, Uncategorized |
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Tags: More | March 21, 2014
It’s no secret that the rich are only getting richer, and everyone else is heading the other way. At some point, the rich will sink their boat. Just a matter of time! So….The U.S. Income Gap has now soared to the widest gap since the “Roaring 20’s”. Yep, 10% of the population now make over 50% of all earned income! […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, World News |
Tags: broke, Free Money, Home Cash Purchases, Income Gap, Insane, More, Poor Man, Real World, Rich, Roaring 20's Income Gap, The Real World | April 23, 2013
It’s now a rich mans world, but it wasn’t always this way! As the Pew Research Center finds, during the first two years of the US economic ‘recovery’, the mean net worth of households in the upper 7% of the wealth distribution rose by an estimated 28%, while the mean net worth of households in the lower 93% […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Wall Street |
1 Comment »
Tags: Money, More, Rich, stocks, Wealth | November 15, 2012
A wise old Owl sits and watches with ruffled feathers… Quotes for the day! “Education, n.: That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.” — Ambrose Bierce “Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth […]
Category: Commentary, Education and Schooling, National News, Quote of the Day |
Tags: Daily Quotes, He Said, Mentioned, More, Quotes, Said | January 5, 2012
Bridgewater Review For 2012 This Bridgewater review of 2012 is highly regarded. I have highlighted it below…..everyone should print this out and post it in a viewable place. These guys run the largest hedge fund in the world and are among the top 5 smartest managers anywhere. They’re not always right, but they are right more often […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, Gold and Silver, National News, Research, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: 2012 Macro View, Bridgewater, Masters Of The Universe, More, Moribund Economic Outlook