| March 8, 2013
Here are the key words from below: Two categories of spending represent 12.5% of all discretionary spending. These costs go up when the economy is weak, they have never, repeat never declined. Consider just these two components of the discretionary spending budget; (1) Food Stamps, and (2) the Earned Income and Child Credits. 1) Food Stamps cost the government […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Uncategorized |
1 Comment »
Tags: Economy, Food, food stamps, Free, Gifts, Giveaway, Government, spending, Stamps | May 27, 2011
There will be riots around the world if bad weather continues to dilute food crops.  This has the potential to be a world wide problem as spring turns to summer. The realization will come by fall if farm harvests turn to dust in the wind ! So, what happens if we have a decent harvest?….Aah then consider us to be lucky and food inflation may be […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Commodities, Economy, National News, Wall Street, Weather |
Tags: Agriculture, Crops, Farmers, Food, Harvest, inflation