| March 18, 2016
A History Lesson About Your Social Security Card Social Security Cards up until the 1980s expressly stated the number and card were not to be used for identification purposes. Since nearly everyone in the United States now has a number, it became convenient to use it anyway and the message, NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION, was removed. Franklin […]
Category: Commentary, Inspirational, National News, News Letters, Pensions and Retirement, Tid Bits, Wall Street |
1 Comment »
Tags: History Lesson, History of Social Security, Social Security History | November 19, 2013
Criminality and corruption, especially in the government, are today like nothing ever seen before in our lifetime. But just how bad was it back in the 1960’s and 70’s? Well, John Connally tells us in no uncertain terms, a stunning story of how bad it was. He waited until 1992 to talk about this. When John Connally finally did get things off his […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Inspirational, National News, News Letters, Technology, Tid Bits, Uncategorized, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Astonishing Interview, Bad Times, Big Government, Control, Corruption, Criminality, Gerald Celente, Government, John Connally, Kennedy Assasination, Talking From The Top | October 25, 2013
Off to Washington D.C. goes another letter to our Congressman….. YES, we’re in favor of changing the often abused Patriot Act. This movement already has more than 50 co-sponsors. There is also a bipartisan coalition called’ StopWatching US’, that includes Congressman Amash, and the coalition includes hundreds of organizations from all sides of the political spectrum. The petition on reining in NSA surveillance […]
Category: Commentary, National News, National Security, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Dragnet Collection, Eavesdropping, Online Monitoring, Spying, Stop Watching US, Surveillance, USA Freedom Act, Wise Dog Resaerch | October 1, 2013
Pay attention class, there will be a quiz on this! Security firm McAfee warned Tuesday that hackers are likely to take advantage of the rollout of ObamaCare exchanges this week by launching phishing attacks aimed at stealing personal information. Phishing attacks are designed to dupe users into revealing credit-card numbers or other confidential data by […]
Category: Commentary, National News, National Security, News Letters, Tid Bits |
Tags: Computer hackers, Confidential Data, Cyber Attacks, Hackers, Information, Internet Scams, Phishing Attacks, Scams, Steeling, Theft | January 8, 2012
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Inspirational, National News, News Letters, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: One Percent, Rich, Top One Percent, Wealthy | January 8, 2012
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, News Letters, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street |
Tags: Inequity, Millionaire;Money, Rich Man Poor Man | January 5, 2012
Our good friend Gene Inger of is heading out West to the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next week. Gene has been reporting on this show for as long as we can remember, and knows his electronics well. We think this review will be well worth reading. In fact, we know of no […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, News Letters, Research, Technology, Tid Bits, Wall Street |
Tags: Apple Services, Apple TV, CES, Consumer Electronics Show, Gadgits, Gene Inger, Giant data Ceneter, Glasses Free 3D LED/LCD HDTV', iTV, LTC Chip, New Things, Technology | November 22, 2011
This from The Inger Letter……. Besides the EU situation and the growing tensions in the Persian Gulf region (hard to believe it; but mainstream news here isn’t at all reporting the reality of the rising issues…to wit.. the pressure against Iran’s Central Bank, with restriction of oil sales in the wings.. much less 2 US […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, National Security, News Letters, Wall Street |
Tags: Oil Sales Restrictions, Prsion Gulf Tensions, U.S. Battle Groups | October 17, 2011
The federal government started this whole mess, not on purpose, but it doesn’t matter at this point…the bottom line is that middle class America (the working stiff’s) still have no clue as to what’s going on, that’s why the demonstrations around the country…. The press talks about how the rich got richer. Here’s The Washington Post: […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, News Letters, Wall Street |
Tags: Bank Profits, Sector Pay, The Rich | October 17, 2011
Some fresh perspectives from Gene Inger….Security wise the giant U.S. Air Force’s supply and logistics’ exercise in the Middle East is an early ‘stronger’ initiative from Leon Pannetta (our new Defense Secretary). And, as to the demonstrations around the country, the key to prosperity: a) bring back American industry (‘buy Made in the U.S.A.’ does make […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, National Security, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Geopolitics, Israel, Mid East, War Excercise | October 16, 2011
Let’s look at the thoughts of Robert Reich’s mission and not worry about it being Democratic or Republican…because as he explains things, it makes a lot of sense…. as for us at, well remember we’re just the messenger! Robert Reich: “Look at the Progressive reforms between 1900 and 1916; the New Deal of the 1930s; the […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Education and Schooling, Inspirational, National News, News Letters, Research, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Fundamental Reform, Messenger, Mission, Progressive Reforms, Robert Reich, the stated truth | October 9, 2011
The Daily Reckoning……It’s Top Secret This from an episode of Frontline called “Top Secret America.”…..One example is the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. According to Dana Priest the DNI started as 11 people in the Old Executive Office Building. In short order, it grew to a couple of hundred people and moved to […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, National Security, News Letters, World News |
Tags: Government, national security, Top Secret Clearance, Wow | August 30, 2011
Bill Gross says everyone needs to get real…”We are into the “bumpy journey” phase of our New Normal where fear, lack of policy options and loss of control can dominate.” From PIMCO: New-Fangled Love Songs Liquidity concerns may affect all European peripheral bond markets unless the European Central Bank counters the rush for the exits with […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, News Letters, Wall Street |
Tags: Bill Gross, Pimco New Normal | July 8, 2011
You only get 3 strikes in baseball…..  Online Piracy – Six Strikes and You Are Out  Those of us that live in California have heard about the Three Strikes law. But, have you heard about the Six Strikes Plan created by U.S. Internet Service Providers? Online pirates who persist in sharing copyrighted music, […]
Category: Commentary, National News, News Letters |
Tags: Internet Piracy, Six Strikes | June 19, 2011
From Washington’s Blog………….. WOWT Reports: [Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant’s chief nuclear officer, Dave Bannister] said for the plant to get to a disaster level, floodwater would have to rise three and a half feet above where it stands now. The Kansas City Star Notes: The endless complexities have made prediction a tough task, said […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, National Security, News Letters, Outliers, Weather |
Tags: Nuclear Power Updates | June 15, 2011
The gap between spending and revenues has never been larger! The American consumer is tapped. Just look at the outstanding debt count: -over $10 trillion in mortgage debt -$1 trillion in student loan debt -over $750 billion in credit card debt We also have billions more in automotive debt. This is simply unsustainable and we […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, News Letters, Wall Street |
Tags: Gap, GDP Gap, Revenues, spending | June 15, 2011
It’s a sign of the times and also why generations of workers are screwed for as far as the eye can see….main street Jack and Jill see little if any government stimulus drift down to him or her. It’s the sad but real truth. The better question though is ….How do we fix this? The common answer from the […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, News Letters, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street |
Tags: | May 29, 2011
Dvid Kotak: Greece is about to blow up. Black butterfly fear plagues the Eurozone’s banking system. Can Greece take down all of Europe! Well, they’re going to try.   We like this part of the review below, Will Roger’s old adage applies: “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.â€Â Cumberland Advisors Les Papillons Noirs […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: black swan, Cumberland Advisors, Greece, The Black Butterfly | May 28, 2011
Hmm….an interesting concept. Thorium has numerous innate advantages. One is that it doesn’t produce weaponizable byproducts, but it’s also true that the nature of the metal is such that it produces safer reactors. It burns at a lower temperature, and there’s also a great deal of it around. The thing to remember is that thorium […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, National News, National Security, News Letters, Oil and Nat Gas, Technology, Wall Street |
Tags: Energy Needs, Nuclear Power Questions and Answers, Power, Thorium Nuclear Power | May 28, 2011
 The road ahead is getting narrower by the day! A Look at the Coming 6-Year Cycle Peak By: Clif Droke The year 2011 to date has seen its share of ups and downs in the financial market, yet nothing like the volatility of 2010 has made its appearance. With an important long-term yearly cycle scheduled […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, News Letters, Wall Street |
Tags: Clif Droke Kress Cycles, Cycles, Kress Cycles | May 24, 2011
From good friend Gene Inger, publisher of The Inger Letter……..since 1969!  Interestingly the ‘magnetic field’ has shifted further than ever for a 20 year period; and that’s why the North Pole moved to Siberia. Yes all globes are actually wrong now. We might add the South Pole has moved too. Don’t think this doesn’t matter […]
Category: National News, News Letters, Wall Street, Weather |
Tags: | May 22, 2011
One has to respect Jim Grant’s views….we couldn’t have said it better ourselves! From AP: A graduate of Indiana University, Grant, 64, was a Navy gunner’s mate before starting his journalism career at the Baltimore Sun in 1972. He then joined the financial weekly Barron’s before starting Grant’s Interest Rate Observer in 1983. As stocks […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, Finance, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, News Letters, Wall Street |
Tags: Grants Interest Rater Observer, Interest rates, Jim Grant | April 20, 2011
An excellent review of the world economic picture and the future of Gold By Ron Hera April 15, 2011 ©2011 Hera Research, LLC The Hera Research Newsletter (HRN) is pleased to present an in-depth interview with Jim Sinclair, Chairman and CEO of Tanzanian Royalty Exploration and founder of Jim Sinclair’s MineSet, which hosts his gold commentary […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, Gold and Silver, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, News Letters, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: gold, Jim Sinclair, World Economic Situation | April 12, 2011
We’re not surprised! Commentary Magazine reports that the “Budget Deal”, won after so much theatrics, soap opera, and Razzie nominations, may in fact collapse shortly. “The big news today is that the $38.5 billion in budget cuts announced with such fanfare on Friday night mostly aren’t real. A good deal of it involves money from […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, News Letters, Wall Street |
Tags: Bad News Bears, Budget Cuts Not Real, Budget Deal | March 15, 2011
John Williams doesn’t speak blindly, he has been a frequent guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, Barrons etc, and he has multitudes of statistics to back up his “seemingly outlandish” but more than likely correct forecast……By the way, Williams time frame falls into the period leading up to 2014, similar to the Kress Economic Cycle that takes us down hard from […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: John Williams, Kress Cycles, Shadow Stats | March 15, 2011
03-15-2011 Japan, The Persian Gulf And Energy By George Friedman Over the past week, everything seemed to converge on energy. The unrest in the Persian Gulf raised the specter of the disruption of oil supplies to the rest of the world, and an earthquake in Japan knocked out a string of nuclear reactors with potentially […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, National Security, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: | March 10, 2011
Cumberland Advisors Day of Rage March 10, 2011 Modern technology. Read email of Saudi events on WiFi at 38,000 feet. This will be brief. The day of rage came early. All outcomes are speculative. Contagion has reached Saudi Arabia. Recent history shows Al-Qaida actively targeted Saudi Arabia several times. Until now, no success. Events in […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, National Security, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Cumberland Advisors - Nowhere Near Over | March 5, 2011
Cumberland Advisors David Kotok always does a good job on the important issues…’s a good read! $115 Oil, Contagion and Central Banks March 5, 2011 “… there’s so much unrest that one can actually sense or imagine unknown nano-particles of rage colliding in mid-air…â€Â (Source: a private person who screens Middle East media for me […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, News Letters, Oil and Nat Gas, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Contagion Not Over In Middle East, Middle East Review, Oil | March 1, 2011
 Never Fight A Land War In Asia By George Friedman | March 1, 2011 U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, speaking at West Point, said last week that “Any future defense secretary who advises the president to again send a big American land army into Asia or into the Middle East or Africa should have […]
Category: Commentary, National News, National Security, News Letters, World News |
Tags: Stratfor On Wars In Asia, Wars | February 23, 2011
Nowhere Near Over February 23, 2011 This is nowhere near over.  By “Thisâ€, we mean the regional contagion, spreading violence and rising geopolitical risk in the Middle East and North Africa.   Reports say that Libya has stopped producing oil and that pipeline delivery to Europe (Italy) is interrupted. Libya seems headed for complete dismemberment and […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, News Letters, Oil and Nat Gas, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Cumberland Advisors - Nowhere Near Over, Cumberland Middle East Update | February 22, 2011
Mohamed El-Erian appeared on Bloomberg Surveillance with Tom Keene,  talking about the developments in the Middle East, “we have to appreciate that in the west, what is happening in Egypt and North Africa results in stagflation in the short term. So higher inflation and lower growth because of higher oil prices that take away purchasing power […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Dollar Weakness, pimco's El -Erian | February 17, 2011
We’ve been talking about this for a while….Rapidly rising food prices triggered the latest round of civil disorder around the world, as it did the first round during 2008. The picture may get bleaker over the next few years. Cumberland Advisors Khamsin February, 17, 2011 “This is not just a warm wind, but a dust-laden, suffocating […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Cumberland Advisors Khamsin;Khamsin, Ed Yardeni | February 15, 2011
This is a must read for everybody.  It’s an outline of the future.  It doesn’t have to be right, but a good plan is better then a bad plan and any plan is better then no plan. Crisis High In 2011 By: Clif Droke  Posted Tuesday, 15 February 2011After two years of issuing “sell†ratings on equities and […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Gold and Silver, National News, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Clif Droke Kress Cycles, Kress Cycles | February 11, 2011
 February 11, 2011 Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman delivered the following statement Feb. 11: “In the name of God the merciful, the compassionate, citizens, during these very difficult circumstances Egypt is going through, President Hosni Mubarak has decided to step down from the office of president of the republic and has charged the high […]
Category: Commentary, National News, National Security, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Egypt Military In Charge, Mubarak Rsigns, Stratfor On Egypt | February 10, 2011
From Art Cashin on the floor of The New York Stock Exchange Deserving A Second Look – On Tuesday, Richard Fisher, President of the Dallas Fed spoke. The speech drew headlines on Mr. Fisher’s contention that he would be hard pressed not to dissent on any extension or expansion of QE2. It was suggested that […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, News Letters, Wall Street |
Tags: Cashins Comments, Dallas Fed, Richard Fisher | February 10, 2011
February 10, 2011 The decision by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak not to resign seems to have shocked both the Egyptian military and Washington. CIA Director Leon Panetta spoke earlier as if his resignation was assured and a resolution to the crisis was guaranteed. Sources in Cairo spoke the same way. How the deal came apart, […]
Category: Commentary, National News, National Security, News Letters, World News |
Tags: Stratfor Red Alert On Egypt;Egypt Red Alert | February 4, 2011
Here are some snippets from Bill Gross’s February Investment Outlook Newsletter….  Devil’s Bargain Money has become the economic and political wedge for profound changes in American society. Perhaps the most deceptive policy tool to lessen debt loads is the “negative†or exceedingly low real interest rate that central banks impose on savers and debt […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, News Letters, Wall Street |
Tags: Bill Gross Snippets | January 30, 2011
January 30, 2011 By George Friedman The Egypt Unrest: Full Coverage It is not at all clear what will happen in the Egyptian revolution. It is not a surprise that this is happening. Hosni Mubarak has been president for more than a quarter of a century, ever since the assassination of Anwar Sadat. He is […]
Category: Commentary, National News, National Security, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
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Tags: Stratfor Special Report On Egypt | January 28, 2011
Remember…..we’re just the messenger here, this isn’t our prediction! Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management with $8 B as in billion dollars in money under management, has an unbelievable interview with Eric King of King World News. Eric says that Gold (currently $1338.40/ounce) could be $2,150 and Silver (currently $28.01/ounce) $50.00 by spring….sounds hard to believe, unless the Dollar collapses […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Gold and Silver, National News, News Letters, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Eric Sprott On Gold | January 28, 2011
Jim Grant is well known and respected in interest rate market circles, but he has some harsh words here….he’s letting off some steam on Ben Bernanke. Pay attention everyone, Jim is one of the big ten….that is one of the smartest 10 guys around. Jim Grant appeared on Bloomberg TV, telling Margaret Brennan upfront that […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, News Letters, Wall Street |
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Tags: Jim Grant Interviewed