Vladimir Putin, Russia’s President Does An Op-Ed With The New York Times…..

| September 11, 2013

Hmm…..This has to be a first, a Russian president does an editorial in a major U.S. newspaper!  Unbelievable! Truely, it really is. Inquiring minds want to know if Russia’s leading newspaper Pravda would allow President Obama to pen his own Op-Ed in Moscow. Just curious! Here is a major exert on a Russian point of disagreement: “I carefully studied his (President Obama) address […]

Stanley Druckenmiller Reviews Key Issues That In His Opinion Will Effect The U.S. Economy

| September 11, 2013

Pay attention everybody, there will be a quiz on this….Stanley Druckenmiller (one of the most successful money managers of all time) addresses key issues for the U.S. economy going forward. Here are a few  snip-its. On what he is most uncomfortable about: “Let’s first set the table and looking at what is going on in the last […]

We Currently Have The Slowest Start To A Hurricane Season On Record…There Have Been None…Not A One, Zippo, Zero, Ziltch!

| August 25, 2013

Unbelievable!  Ok, now we understand better why the commodity market is so unusually tame, especially the softs which have been weak all summer…By definition a soft commodity is a commodity such as coffee, cocoa, sugar, corn, wheat, soybean and fruit. This term generally refers to commodities that are grown, rather than mined, drilled for or raised such as animals.  So […]

Hard To Believe…..But True

| May 27, 2013

Here are some statistics that seem unbelievable….. An astounding 53 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year. In the United States today, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans have a greater net worth than the bottom 90 percent combined. The six heirs of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton have as much wealth […]

Mississippi River Near A Record Low Water Level

| November 29, 2012

Yikes! A key stretch of the drought-ravaged Mississippi River may fall to a record low by mid-December, halting barge traffic and disrupting billions in commerce on the nation’s busiest inland waterway. President Obama on Tuesday was urged to declare an emergency so the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can take steps to boost the river’s […]

The World As We Know It

| October 26, 2012

Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who put us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it.                                                                                      –Mark Twain

You Won’t Believe This…It’s Top Secret

| October 9, 2011

The Daily Reckoning……It’s Top Secret This from an episode of Frontline called “Top Secret America.”…..One example is the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. According to Dana Priest the DNI started as 11 people in the Old Executive Office Building. In short order, it grew to a couple of hundred people and moved to […]

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