| February 20, 2012
Moore’s law states that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles every 18 months to two years, and it’s predicted to reach its limit with existing technology in 2020. But…Cutting the size of a transistor to a single atom may change that concept. Then again, it’s going to take a while to get a quantum […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Technology |
Tags: Atoms, Moores Law, Technology, Transistor | January 5, 2012
Our good friend Gene Inger of is heading out West to the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next week. Gene has been reporting on this show for as long as we can remember, and knows his electronics well. We think this review will be well worth reading. In fact, we know of no […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, News Letters, Research, Technology, Tid Bits, Wall Street |
Tags: Apple Services, Apple TV, CES, Consumer Electronics Show, Gadgits, Gene Inger, Giant data Ceneter, Glasses Free 3D LED/LCD HDTV', iTV, LTC Chip, New Things, Technology | November 13, 2011
Wireless and mobile….the only way to go now days! But the 7″ screen seems a bit small to us. From the LA Times: Inc. will allow users to use Hulu Plus on its upcoming Kindle Fire device, adding a major source of TV and movie content to its tablet arsenal. The 7″ tablet, which […]
Category: Commentary, Education and Schooling, National News, Technology |
Tags: Hulu Plus, New Tablet, Technology