| May 28, 2011
Jim’s dad traded with Jessie Livermore, the most famous of all stock traders, so we would venture that Jim Sinclair knows a thing or two about trading himself. In fact he may well be the most successful Gold trader of all time! The risk of not stimulating is stagflation at a spiritual level. The risk of […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, Gold and Silver, National News, Pictures, Wall Street |
Tags: dollar, gold, Hard Money, Jim Sinclair, Rock and Hard Place | April 20, 2011
An excellent review of the world economic picture and the future of Gold By Ron Hera April 15, 2011 ©2011 Hera Research, LLC The Hera Research Newsletter (HRN) is pleased to present an in-depth interview with Jim Sinclair, Chairman and CEO of Tanzanian Royalty Exploration and founder of Jim Sinclair’s MineSet, which hosts his gold commentary […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, Gold and Silver, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, News Letters, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: gold, Jim Sinclair, World Economic Situation