| January 12, 2012
The good news for the consumer is that “experts” predict rock-bottom natural-gas prices through at least 2013. “We’re anticipating sustained low gas prices,” says Andy Steinhubl, from Bain & Co.’s North American oil and gas practice. This from The Wall Street Journal….. U.S. energy companies are pumping so much natural gas out of the ground that […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Commodities, Economy, National News, Oil and Nat Gas, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Energy Drilling, Gas Prices, Nat Gas, Oil | January 5, 2012
Folks, this is starting to look like a trend. It may be a combination of things, i.e., less driving, newer cars with better mpg, and older demographics in play (which means less driving) or….it could just be a freak of nature? Never the less, prices have come down, but not as much as one would surmise in retrospect. We’ll remind […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, National News, Oil and Nat Gas, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Gas Prices, Gasoline Demand, Plunging Gasoline Demand