| March 12, 2012
We’re on the right track….but have a long way to go. U.S. crude oil production came in at 5.6 million barrels a day for 2011 vs. 5.48 million barrels a day in 2010. It’s the highest U.S. oil production since 2003. And… The U.S. has been the world’s largest producer of natural gas since 2009, the report says. […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Oil and Nat Gas, Wall Street |
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Tags: Natural Gas, Oil Production, Petroleum | December 31, 2011
At the close of 2011, U.S. natural gas prices sat at their lowest point in more than two years and the lowest winter price in ten years. All the while natural gas production in the lower 48 states hit an all time record of 71.3 billion cubic feet a day in October, according to the latest U.S. Department of […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Oil and Nat Gas, Wall Street |
Tags: Drilling, Natural Gas, Oil, Price Plunge