| May 9, 2011
Highlights from a new report from Zillow on real estate…………….The number of homes with negative equity rose to 27% or 16.2 million units in the first quarter from 13.1 million units a year earlier. In the first quarter of 2009 only 22% of homes were underwater, Zillow said. Home prices slumped 8.2 percent on average over the past 12 months. Property […]
Category: Commentary, National News, Real Estate, Wall Street |
Tags: home equity, Home values, Real Estate, zillow | May 9, 2011
Some of the smartest guys we know, the ones that use their own money to buy and sell houses…are thinking 15%-20% further down from here and 2-4 years to clear huge stealth inventories. They say the banks have just started to get more realistic on pricing of bank owned properties, and will become very aggressive to get […]
Category: Commentary, National News, Real Estate |
Tags: bank Ownd, Case-Shiller real Estate Index, Real Estate, zillow | January 20, 2011
By Al Yoon NEW YORK (Reuters) – Home prices fell for the 53’rd consecutive month in November, taking the decline past that of the Great Depression for the first time in the prolonged housing slump, according to Zillow. Home prices have fallen 26 percent since their peak in 2006, exceeding the 25.9 percent drop registered […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Real Estate, World News |
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Tags: home prices, zillow