George Gilder Has A Strong Opinion On Relations With China

Posted By on February 4, 2010

GEORGE GILDER, Gilder Telecosm Forum …… In my view, the United
States is making what could be a fatal blunder with regard to China.
Liberals who applauded every move toward appeasement of the monstrous
Maoist regime now are relentlessly hostile toward the new capitalist
leaders who have liberated more people than any other regime in history.
No they are not perfect Democrats, but they are far more realistic and
practical capitalists than are the Obama administration leaders who are
relentlessly undermining the U.S. economic base and potential. The Chinese
are not submissive to America’s suicidal global warming and dollar debauch
campaigns and thus follow policies more favorable to the United States
than does the Obama Administration.
No, the Chinese do not conduct national democratic elections. The
communist regime is still brutal toward political resistance. They do not
indulge the fatuous claims of the Dalai Lama and his religious cult,
though they feed Tibet. They are repressive to Christians in some parts of
the country (though they harbor some 30 million of them). But China’s
revitalization of Asian capitalism remains the most important positive
event in the world in the last thirty years, releasing a billion people
from penury and oppression, and it dwarfs in importance the civil
liberties infractions that they commit.
The fact is that the U.S. cannot win the war against the Jihad without the
support of China. The fact is that U.S. conflict with China over Taiwan
would probably result in the destruction of the U.S. economy and
devastating attacks from the Jihad. China is nearly as threatened by the
Jihad as we are. We must bring this country to our side or we are doomed
to decline and defeat in the world.
In order to have a positive relationship with China we must stop revving
up the old coterie of Taiwanese politicians with dreams of resistance to
the mainland. We cannot possibly defend Taiwan. The entrepreneurs of
Taiwan have already acquiesced to the mainland regime. Some three quarters
of Taiwanese investment already now goes to the mainland.
Because of Taiwan, China essentially is the world’s leading chip and
computer producer. Without Taiwan, the U.S. computer and microchip
industries would be drastically weakened and our defenses gravely
impaired. Because of Taiwan and Chinese manufacturing (and the Chinese
monopoly in production of rare earth materials needed for advanced
electronics), the U.S. is dependent on China for our economic and military
health and growth.
The Obama Administration’s adversarial posture against China, supported by
Google and even by many conservatives, is ultimately nothing short of
suicidal for the United States.
Copyright 2009 Gilder Publishing LLC

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