| September 12, 2011
Bad seats…hey buddy! Epecially if you’re a baby boomer! We all need to plan well after reading this. From ( …. There were only 1.75 full-time private-sector workers in the United States last year for each person receiving benefits from Social Security, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Social Security […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Finance, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Benefits, workers | April 28, 2011
Nothing to worry about for now…as long as all these recently subsidy-free individuals aren’t paying their mortgage and the banks aren’t enforcing payment….all is well, sort of…. but eventually that roof will go away! It’s probably worse, that’s because the government has so many seasonal adjustments now days that it tends to make things seem better then they really […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Benefits, Government Benefits