| September 20, 2011
California capitulates, says growth is dead for the time being….but economists have been slow learners about understanding the negative dynamics for California. Senior economist David Shulman argues basically that the economy is so far down, it can’t really fall that much more. But to assume such a (stupid) thing in the current environment makes no sense! From the […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News |
Tags: california jobless | September 17, 2010
What happened to the recovery everyone was talking about a few months ago? Inquiring minds want to know! California’s unemployment rate rose to a three-month high of 12.4 percent in August as non-farm payrolls lost 33,500 jobs, the California Employment Development Department said. The jobless rate increased from 12.3 percent in July, the department said […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street, World News |
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Tags: california jobless, california unemployment