| March 22, 2012
The climb of student loan debt is simply unbelievable in the economic picture of things……it truely is the gift that keeps on taking! U.S. student-loan debt reached the $1 trillion mark, as young borrowers struggle to keep up with soaring tuition costs, according to the initial findings of a government study. The figure, which is higher […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Education and Schooling, National News |
Tags: college, debt, Disaster, education, Scope, Student Loans, Wipe Out | February 8, 2012
Student debt is rising to records with almost every government consumer report, and for a mulitude of reasons. They include steadily spiraling college costs, financial aid cutbacks at public universities and a weak economy to name a few. And schools across the country are encouraging it because they need the money, most having expanded rapidly in the past few years to accommodate growing but seemingly unsustainable enrollments(let’s […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Education and Schooling, National News |
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Tags: college, education, Student Loans | June 6, 2011
Is an education really worth the cost? In many cases the answer is YES, but in many other cases the answer is NO, and especially involving  “for profit trade schools”! The cost of education is becoming onerous and student loans are littered with financial landmines. Many are given to students to attend for-profit schools that will yield very […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Education and Schooling, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: college, education, schools | September 7, 2010
Here is another government controlled project. These are unbelievable statistics. Simply beyond belief! Credit card debt peaked at $975 billion back in September of 2008 and is now down to $826 billion. Past and current students now carry a stunning $829 billion in student loan debt.   Fact:  You are not allowed to discharge student loan debt through bankruptcy. […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Education and Schooling, National News, Tid Bits, Uncategorized, World News |
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Tags: college, college degree, college statistics, education, school, schools, university, university statistics