| November 29, 2011
Knock yourself out with these polls, personal savings are dropping and household earnings are less then last year, how long is this dopey optimism of unrealistic expectations going to last? Right you are, about long enough to get a poke in the eye! Geez Here is what Fed Gov Janet Yellen said today: “Very high debt to income […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Consumer Confidence, Expectations, Optimisiom | September 29, 2011
Are we heading for a depression or do we just feel depressed…..Ugh, we’ll let you know in a few months! Consumer confidence slumped last week to the second-lowest level on record as Americans grew more concerned with their financial situation while the buying climate for most things worsened. The Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index dropped to minus 53 in […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News |
Tags: Consumer Confidence | August 30, 2011
Ugh….this should come as no surprise! The consumer makes up over 70% of the economy. August consumer confidence fell from 59.2 to 44.2 … below the consensus of 52, and dropping to its lowest level since April 2009. Even uglier is the 6 month outlook which fell from 74.9 to 51.9.
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: consumer, Consumer Confidence, Economic Stats