| August 23, 2013
So, it’s said by a number of Realtors that interest rate spikes don’t matter to home buyers….um, maybe they should rethink that idea? Yep, maybe rethink it twice! Purchases of new U.S. homes plunged in July by the most in more than three years while previous month saless were revised down. Housing in July showed that a […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Finance, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, Real Estate, Research, Wall Street, World News |
1 Comment »
Tags: charts, Expectations, Home Builders, Housing 101, Median Home Sale Price, NAHB, New Home Sales, RE Sales, Re Think, Real Estate, Sales | February 13, 2012
Nobody on the planet is expecting GDP growth this high….2.7% never happens! You heard it first here. The smartest guys in the universe are much more conservative. From Bridgewater: Recent better-than-expected news on the U.S. economy is unlikely to be the start of a healthy expansion. The uptick in economic growth has been fueled by […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Expectations, gdp, New Budget, Projections | November 29, 2011
Knock yourself out with these polls, personal savings are dropping and household earnings are less then last year, how long is this dopey optimism of unrealistic expectations going to last? Right you are, about long enough to get a poke in the eye! Geez Here is what Fed Gov Janet Yellen said today: “Very high debt to income […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Consumer Confidence, Expectations, Optimisiom | June 2, 2011
This is called “the new normal”…..and it will change everything in our lives!  A typical recovery pattern goes like this: the stock market bottoms, economic growth bottoms and then hiring and wage increases return. What’s unique and likely a leading indicator about this recovery is that the last piece of the recovery is not there.  Squeezed on both sides by […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Expectations, Hard Times, Lower Expectations