| August 3, 2011
The consumer is broke and getting broker. So far, the free loaders have been free spenders. That’s about to change as the banks get closer to kicking millions of the mortgage dead beats out of their homes. As this evolves things will likely get down right nasty for the economy! From Bloomberg: Disclosure from an internal, […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Real Estate, Wall Street |
Tags: broke, Consumers, Dead Beats, Real Estate, retail | June 26, 2011
From The Wall Street Journal….. Today, U.S. consumers have more mortgage and credit-card debt than they did five years ago. Given the difficulties of paying down debt, “you have to get comfortable with the idea that it’s going to take a long time for the markets to adjust and for the economy to get back on […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Consumers, debt, Paying Down Debt