| February 7, 2017
This is a big big problem, and not in the mainstream media… The Fukushima Disaster We noted a few days after the Japanese earthquake that the amount of radioactive fuel at Fukushima dwarfs that at Chernobyl … and that the cesium fallout from Fukushima already rivaled Chernobyl (we also noted that Fukushima radiation could […]
Category: National News, National Security, World News |
Comments Off on New Radiation Level at Fukushima Dwarfs the Highest Peak at Chernobyl
Tags: Chernobyl, Fukushima, Nuclear | November 9, 2013
If this doesn’t scare you, nothing will! The Japanese nuclear agency has green-lighted the removal of the spent fuel rods from Fukushima reactor 4′s spent fuel pool. The operation is scheduled to begin this month. Hmm….. The head of the U.S. Department of Energy correctly notes: The success of the cleanup also has global significance. So […]
Category: Commentary, National News, National Security, Research, Technology, Tid Bits, Uncategorized, World News |
Tags: Caesium, Evacuate, Fuel Cells, Fuel Rods, Fukushima, Global Significance, japan, Japans Nuclear Agency, Monumental Nuclear Chain RFeaction, Nuclear Accident, Nuclear Fuel Rods, Pick-Up Sticks, Precarious State, Radiation Pools, Radioactive Gas, Reactor 4, Scenarios, Spent Nuclear Fuel, U.S. Deparment of Energy Notes