| May 30, 2012
Gasoline prices are falling in most areas…but not much in California! It’s only a matter of time though, as the average age of a car is now 10.75 years old and virtually every old car that is taken off the road gets low gas mileage vs a new one that gets dynamically better gas mileage…it’s a no-brainer! Brent oil declined to its […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, Oil and Nat Gas |
Tags: Crude Oil, Gasoline, Inventory, Oil Prices | April 10, 2012
Oil refineries are closing all accross the United States with nearly half the refining capacity on the U.S. east coast set to disappear …so of course it’s no wonder gasoline prices are pushing all time record prices. Chart Courtesy (Added by EconMatters) We now have half the refining capacity on the U.S. east coast set to […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Commodities, Economy, National News, Oil and Nat Gas |
Tags: Gasoline, Oil Refining, Petroleum | February 28, 2012
Here’s the scoop on gasoline (these charts go back to 1991)….prices are moving to the upside rapidly while demand is falling. Hmm Oh, and it’s official… gas prices have set an all time record for the month of February.
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commodities, Economy, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: February Gas Prices, Gasoline, Pedal To Metal | February 10, 2012
Gasoline deliveries have in the past reflected recession or growth. If so, the recent drop in retail gasoline deliveries may signal a sharp economic contraction dead ahead. Or… a new normal because of rising fuel economy? Note that petroleum usage is back to 1997 level and gasoline usage is back to 2001 level. Moreover, two out of the last three weeks gasoline […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Oil and Nat Gas, Wall Street |
Tags: energy, Fuel Economy, Gasoline, Oil, Recession, Usage | September 26, 2011
Hmm….Gasoline deliveries fell to a 10-year low but prices haven’t…while year-to-date product consumption (including heating oil and diesel) averaged 19.1 million a day, down only 0.3% from a year ago. Bloomberg reported from API (American Petroleum Institute) that distillate fuel deliveries, which include diesel and heating oil, hit record highs, rising 11% year-over-year to 4.15 million […]
Category: Commentary, Commodities, Economy, National News |
Tags: Distillate Fuel, Gasoline, Motor Oil | April 21, 2011
$6 Gas? Could happen sooner then you think if the dollar gets weaker and we have one large storm in the Gulf of Mexico! 2012 to 2014 will be hard years. Batten down the hatches, you’ve been warned. April 20, 2011 By Jeff Cox, Staff Writer A dollar plumbing three-year lows is hitting Americans squarely in the gas […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Oil and Nat Gas |
Tags: Gasoline, Six Dollar Gasoline