| June 9, 2011
Household wealth in the U.S. climbed by $943 billion in the first quarter of 2011 according to the Federal Reserve’s flow of funds report out of Washington,  as rising stock market share prices outstripped declines in home values. From the peak in June 2007 to the low in 2009 the losses from all asset groups combined were -24.9% of assets. As of […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Commentary, Economy, National News, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Real Estate, Wall Street |
Tags: household worth, net worth, persoanl net worth | March 31, 2011
To see the real story, just look at the charts….. The top 1 percent control 42 percent of all financial wealth. Growing Inequality…the middle class vs. the rich Growing Inequality…in income Source: Social Security Does this look like a recovery to you?  More and More Food Stamps……and no end in sight And Real Estate values are […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Interest Rates, Bonds, National News, Pensions and Retirement, Personal Net Worth, Real Estate, Wall Street |
Tags: millionaires, net worth, persoanl net worth, Rich Man Poor Man, Wealthy | September 4, 2010
Even after looking at the market’s rebound from the lows of 2009, nest eggs remain severely impaired. As of the first quarter of 2010, net household assets—homes, 401(k) plans, pension assets and other investments minus debts—stood at $54.6 trillion, down an average of 18% from the end of 2007.  We actually think the losses are higher but we’ll […]
Category: Charts and Graphs, Inspirational, National News, Personal Net Worth, Wall Street |
Tags: net worth, persoanl net worth, personal assets, total worth