U.S. Sets New Deficit Record For February Of $223 Billion…Yep, We’re Going The Wrong Way Folks!
Posted By thestatedtruth.com on March 7, 2011
What’s the old saying….records are made to be broken. The bottom line is we have a bunch of government morons here! They still don’t know basic math. March 18’th is the deadline for current stop gap funding. Without a new spending agreement by then, the government will shut down (?).
The federal government posted its largest monthly deficit in history in February, a $223 billion shortfall that put a sharp point on the current fight on Capitol Hill about how deeply to cut this year’s spending.That one-month figure, which came in a preliminary report from the Congressional Budget Office, dwarfs even the most robust cuts being talked about on the Hill, and underscores just how much work lawmakers have to do to get the government’s finances in balance again.
The Senate plans to vote Tuesday on competing proposals to cut spending, but Democrats have rejected GOP-backed cuts of more than $50 billion, and Republicans have ruled out Democrats’ cuts of less than $10 billion, meaning neither plan will draw the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster and pass.
“We’ve all done the math and we all know how these votes will turn out: Neither proposal will pass, which means neither will reach the president’s desk as written. We’ll go back to square one and back to the negotiating table,†said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat.
The two sides are facing a March 18 deadline, which is when the current stopgap funding bill expires. Without a new spending agreement by then, the government would shut down.
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