| October 19, 2011
We think most everyone respects Steve Wynn, the famous Las Vegas developer…but maybe even more so now! Here anew are Steve Wynn’s own words on Prsident Obama, “You cannot sustain these deficits, you cannot undercut the people that form the jobs and create the employment in this country. Now, that is simply a statement of fact. It isn’t a partisan political pitch.” “It’s […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: millionaires, Occupy Wall Street, Rich, Standart Of Living, Steve Wynn | October 16, 2011
This sums it up….and as most know, we ‘ve been warning of this for a while here at . It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what’s going on. It’s elementary my Dear Watson! The main problems that have led to the protests are quite obvious: a pronounced inequality in the distribution of economic […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, Inspirational, National News, Wall Street |
Tags: Occupy Wall Street, OWS, Protests, Wall Street | October 15, 2011
What we have here is a warning shot over the bow; to the government, the mega rich and the elite…are they listening or in denial? Hello, Hello? “So, you can laugh at or disparage the demonstrators all you want. You can call them spoiled, silly or sophomoric. You can single out the fringe and think it’s representative of the whole. But […]
Category: Commentary, Economy, National News, Wall Street, World News |
Tags: Demonstrators, Jim Ricards, Occupy Wall Street, Wall Street