International Intrigue In The Gulf Of Mexico?

Posted By on May 4, 2010

Interesting musings from the Inger Letter’s Gene Inger……………this is one bizarre report regarding international intrigue and the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.  The White House ordered a news blackout on the story!
There is a circulating story about what really happened in the Gulf of Mexico; which we would give no credence to at all if not for what the US Government did in the wake of the disaster, which was dispatch military SWAT teams to most outlying oil platforms. That has nothing to do with containment or resolution in the case of oil spills or leakage; and everything to do with protection of U.S. assets.
I do not want to however encourage acceptance of a Russian story out of the Kremlin this morning despite the specificity (including registration numbers) of a North Korean freighter claimed to have deviated from a filed ‘float plan,’ from Havana to Venezuela; in which the report ‘claims’ they launched a mini-sub about 75 miles from the platform and proceeded to ‘torpedo’ the American oil platform. What would they gain from this Administration, which already turned a blind-eye on North Korea’s flat-out sinking of a South Korean warship in international waters a couple weeks back? Hard to say of course unless they ‘want’ to provoke a new hot war with the United States. So I’d like to not believe the Russian story; but it’s out there, and for that reason we’ll share it as the reports say that ‘if so’, the White House ordered a news blackout on the story (for sure, if that did happen, something like that doesn’t get buried even by Washington).

Oil Disaster

The ‘worst case scenario’ of the uncapped BP oil ‘gusher’ (that’s why it is; flowing) is generally considered to be polluting the ‘Delta’, and damaging the Southeast’s overall economy, due to shipping transit issues. Actually the risk of the oil not being capped, but making its way into the Gulfstream, is an even worse picture for Florida, as (not at all exaggerating this) I heard last night that the State of Florida will issue new formal ‘State of Emergency’ orders later this week if the slick gets caught up by NW winds in the ‘loop current’, which could send it toward the delicate Keys and then up the East Coast of Florida, where nobody has really been considering the implication of that!

If you really want a ‘worst case’ consider ‘what if’ the Russian story isn’t a fabrication. Eventually that comes out. North Korea is an ally of Iran, whether anyone says so or not. Lots of the nuclear knowhow and even the missiles basically came from them its been reported. First a provocation of South Korea (the ship sinking) and now of the US would be not only an Act of War, but might be intended (again letting imagination run wild a bit) to destroy much of America’s ability to expand domestic oil production; so that if in a future conflict Iran were to block the Straits of Hormuz (we wouldn’t let them, presuming the Navy was successful, though they could sink one tanker there and tie it up for awhile), the Teheran fanatics might think that would leave the West in an economic quandary worse than we’ve seen, with $200 oil and another big disaster for which they’d quietly try to engineer without starting a nuclear war. In any event, its far-fetched, but again, the Administration’s initial response was a military one, not just a spill-containment effort. And Iran already made deals with Venezuela to put troops in there; just a reminder. So obviously one can see how this could escalate, and that is even if BP and other companies are successful in capping the well with a bunker sort of cement enclosure, as a temporary fix. And deep-water drillings dealt a setback no matter what it appears, which also keeps the oil price relatively high aside moves like today, that were primarily related to currency shifts.

Furthermore, you don’t have a demand-pull recovery in the world with very high oil and with austerity in Europe by the way; a little detail that few are grasping while they act as if the world is recovering with no interruptions. We think that while you can try to isolate the Goldman story or the ‘sovereign debt’ issue, or ‘terrorism’; what you really have is like a train wreck; or as that is usually described you get a combination of ingredients that contributes to the mix or even a ‘perfect storm’.

It might be timely to remind citizens once more of our soft underbelly or the reported deployment of Iranian shock-troops to Venezuela to wrack-havoc in event hostilities break out. In any event there’s obviously growing awareness (we hope) that Southern Command (now in Miami after almost being decimated by Pres. Carter after he gave-up our fine U.S. facilities in the Panama Canal zone, which China has occupied and nobody ever talks about) was correct in demanding that the Pentagon increase their resources; or do we assume that Americans are aware a new U.S. Navy Caribbean task force has been established, which is the first time such a Fleet’s been formed since WW II; at a time when Nazi submarines harassed shipping and oil facilities on the Gulf Coast. Post-yuppie pundits trying to make light of the risks are skating all on thin ice. Perhaps overreacting isn’t appropriate (and we’re not; just the facts and the realities of risk); but as Intel’s best leader titled his book: ‘only the paranoid survive’. If that applies here, we’ll say it’s combinations of ‘don’t tread on me’, and ‘be prepared’. I wonder if Washington is prepared to cope with reality; financially and geopolitically. I think they are starting to ‘get it’, but ever so slowly (unless they’re actually preparing).

(By the way; one thing that has me irritated is the perpetuating of the absurd ‘order’ of the White House to authorities -as if government has any right to do so- not to use all words that would indicate profiling; to wit: they can’t say Islamic or Moslem terrorist. If you read everything out there today, you see references to ‘extremist groups’, or for the case of WCBS in New York the term ‘radical extremist organizations’ in Pakistan or elsewhere. If this were WW II would they refer to the Nazi’s as militant huns? Or to the Japanese warriors as ‘Shinto throwbacks’? My point is underplaying is dangerous too; and gives citizens the idea we’re not in a ‘war’. Want a world war out of all of this in the future? Just keep minimizing situations by not calling our enemy who they are.)

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