The Resilient Household

| November 14, 2010

Looks Like A Ben Bernanke Moment After Wednesday’s Fed Decision!

| October 31, 2010

Hard To Believe, But Russia Is Largest By Land Size By A Huge Margin And Brazil Is Almost As Large As The United States

| September 18, 2010

Storm Watch…. Hurricane Earl

| August 31, 2010

Storm Watch…. Hurricane Earl

About Sums It Up

| August 31, 2010

Given A Choice, Commercial Property Owners Choose to Default

| August 25, 2010

The big players always knew that real estate loans were non-recourse loans. They walk-away voluntarily.  Remember  the commercial market is more professional than housing. As  more of the big boys bite the dust,  the huge bounce will  crest,  and down she comes. Pension funds, insurance companies, small banks, retirement accounts etc. get hammered. Commercial Property Owners Choose to Default By […]

Hours Worked Index Heading South In A Hurry

| August 22, 2010

The Phillie Fed report was just awful. Buried in the details was the fact that the hours-worked index is collapsing, consistent with previews to past recessions. Very worrisome. (From my favorite slicer and dicer of data, Greg Weldon: Bottom line? It is going to be a tough environment for the next 6-8 years. That […]

GDP Contributions….State And Local At Bottom Of List

| August 14, 2010


Updated Map Of Tropical Storm Bonnie

| July 26, 2010

Map Of Tropical Storm Bonnie

| July 22, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Threatened By Possible Tropical System This Weekend

| July 19, 2010

    July 19, 2010     .     By Carly Porter       Staff Writer     . A well-developed tropical wave currently bringing strong winds and rough seas north of Puerto Rico could develop into a tropical system by the weekend. According to hurricane meteorologist Dan Kottlowski, there is high potential for this tropical wave to evolve […]

The Reverse Pyramid

| July 6, 2010

Old Farmer’s Advice

| June 30, 2010

Old Farmer’s Advice: Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.   Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.  Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.  A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor. Words that soak into your ears are whispered…not yelled.  Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.  Forgive […]

Newest Map…. Gulf Of Mexico Oil Slick

| June 28, 2010

Here is the latest Gulf oil map………..

New Song In Congress

| June 25, 2010

The New Song In Congress, Bye Bye Bonus For Wall Street And Banks!

Gene Inger’s Comments On The Gulf Oil Well

| June 24, 2010

Gene Inger……of the Remember my comment about BP wanting to drill in 500 ft. not 5000 feet Gulf depth? Turns out that everyone (even the Pentagon and Secretary of Energy and the Pres. as well) signed-off on deep drilling. Their logic was self-sufficiency in-event war came with Iran and we needed nearly 8-10 months […]

Deepest Oceans Of The World

| June 15, 2010

Countries With The Highest Divorce Rates

| June 15, 2010

Are You A Reseilient Household?

| May 30, 2010

Update On Gulf Of Mexico Oil Well Leak

| May 28, 2010

  Rick’s Picks  Friday, May 28, 2010 “Phenomenally accurate forecasts”   We may all be breathing a sigh of relief by the time you read this, but it remained uncertain at press time whether British Petroleum’s efforts to plug a massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico would succeed. Earlier in the day, the company […]

New Map Of The Oil Slick In The Gulf Of Mexico

| May 23, 2010

Looks Like The X-37B Unmaned Successor To The Space Shuttle Is Shrouded In Operational Secrecy

| May 23, 2010

The X-37B has a wingspan of just over 14 feet and is 29 feet long. It looks something like a space shuttle, although about a quarter of the length.  We  discused  the X-37B in an April 4, 2010 article here at The Stated Truth….To review that article, go to the categories section to the left and […]

European Debt Turmoil

| May 7, 2010

The Globe and Mail in Toronto put together a good visual (below) on how financially exposed the larger and stronger economies of Western Europe are to the region’s teetering nations. Think of all the turmoil caused by Greece – the external debt load of Spain and Ireland together is more than eight times greater.

Oh Oh….Roaches In The Computer Trading Systems…..But I Think We Got’em

| May 6, 2010

Oops…..Hit The Wrong Button At The Market Trading Desk, Run Baby Run

| May 6, 2010

A Flaming Greece

| April 26, 2010

USA Launches Unmanned Space Aircraft

| April 25, 2010

Interesting comments and photos of a new U.S. space shuttle…….from Russia’s Prauda.       The weapon station of space. This is what some critics are calling the recent launch by the United States Air Force (USAF) of an unmanned space shuttle called X-37B.

This Sums Things Up In A Nutshell

| April 7, 2010

It’s All Turned Around Like Our Economy!

| March 29, 2010

The Emperor Has No Cloths

| March 12, 2010

See Ya Later Alligator………

| March 9, 2010

When Ever We See The Government Working Hard On Something, We Like To Drag Out Of The Closet The Good Old Governmental Flow Chart

| March 3, 2010

The Middle Class Financial Compact Being Washed Away – Income Dilution and the Saving Disparity- 57 Million Households Live On $52,000 Per Year Or Less.

| March 3, 2010

The middle class is finding itself struggling to keep what was once seen as staples of a burgeoning working class in our country.  Part of this battle has come from a system that has rewarded easy finance on the backs of the working class.  Take for example residential real estate.  For decades, this was probably […]

Gramps Says Relax……I Got Your Backside Covered

| February 23, 2010

The Two Income Trap

| February 22, 2010

Markets Say, What…. Me Worry?

| January 24, 2010

Is This What We’re Looking At In Our Future?

| January 24, 2010

All Turned Around, That’s What Today Was In The Markets………

| January 21, 2010

How Governmental Poop Flows

| January 18, 2010

You Know What Gramps Does When He Gets Stressed Out By The Markets……….He Gets A Relaxing Massage Down At The Squirrel Inn

| January 3, 2010

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